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Author: Subject: Nightmares - Realised!

posted on 6/11/09 at 10:30 PM Reply With Quote
Nightmares - Realised!

Got a call today at around 3:30 from my stepdaughters dad. She had been hit by a car....

Had to call the wife at work which of course made her hysterical. Got on the train home, and to the hospital.

Long story short (Been a long day);

She leaned out to see if it was clear to cross the road, and got hit in the face by a 30mph wing mirror.

Broken nose, swollen face on once side, three teeth lost, and a fracured elbow - not to mention the psychological mess...

She's ok now, but its been a hell of a day!!

Just needed to share it.

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:38 PM Reply With Quote
thats terrible! I was waiting for the joke to the smily face in the heading.

Hope she makes a swift recovery


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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:39 PM Reply With Quote
i was hit by a car recently mate but no damage to the hunky face fortunately.

I hope she recovers well (I'm in no doubt) and it doesNT cause you too much further stress!

[Edited on 6/11/09 by cd.thomson]


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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:40 PM Reply With Quote
Thats terrible, must have been scarey for you all. Glad she's ok.

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austin man

posted on 6/11/09 at 10:40 PM Reply With Quote
Ooh nasty hope she makes a speedy recovery,

Maks you wonder how close the vehicle was travellin next to the parked car

Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone

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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:45 PM Reply With Quote
its a smily now compared to earlier!

The police are well involved at the minute, and there were lots of witnesses. Sounds to me like a cocktail for disaster with the road the way it is, and the cars scattered all around the school at pick up time.

Have had a long conversation with the headmaster to make movements to get it rectified already.

She is ok at the minute, bu she'll be sore for a few days.

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:50 PM Reply With Quote
Bloody Hell!

The positive side to the story is thank god its not more serious as six inches further out and it would have been MUCH worse!

ATB to her for a speedy recovery!

You only live once - make the most of it!

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Steve Hignett

posted on 6/11/09 at 10:52 PM Reply With Quote
I can imagine a father and step-fathers nightmare...

Hope she recovers physically and mentally as soon as possible...

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Xtreme Kermit

posted on 6/11/09 at 10:53 PM Reply With Quote
What a nightmare!

Hope she makes a speedy recovery.

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posted on 6/11/09 at 10:56 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MakeEverything
Sounds to me like a cocktail for disaster with the road the way it is, and the cars scattered all around the school at pick up time.

Best wishes for your step daughters speedy recovery, I can imagine how you and the wife felt when you got the message.

Now my daughter has started (primary) school I have had to start going into work later and dropping her off on the way. It has to be said the standard of driving around the school is some of the worst I have ever seen. Without wishing to be sexist they are nearly all mums (which I guess is likely the case at all Primary schools), and once they have finished trying to destroy other parked cars, parking on yellow zig zags or across peoples driveways, they get their bloody pushchairs out and either start attacking your ankles or just completely block the pavement whilst gassing to each other. I now park 5-10 minutes walk away just to avoid them.

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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:08 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by MakeEverything
Sounds to me like a cocktail for disaster with the road the way it is, and the cars scattered all around the school at pick up time.

Best wishes for your step daughters speedy recovery, I can imagine how you and the wife felt when you got the message.

Now my daughter has started (primary) school I have had to start going into work later and dropping her off on the way. It has to be said the standard of driving around the school is some of the worst I have ever seen. Without wishing to be sexist they are nearly all mums (which I guess is likely the case at all Primary schools), and once they have finished trying to destroy other parked cars, parking on yellow zig zags or across peoples driveways, they get their bloody pushchairs out and either start attacking your ankles or just completely block the pavement whilst gassing to each other. I now park 5-10 minutes walk away just to avoid them.

Youre absolutely right. School runs and weekends show some of the worst driving youll see on the roads, because it brings out the short term drivers that dont have a great deal of experience.

Parking where they like, talkiing, shouting at the kids, listening to the radio, doing anything other than watching the road.

Anyway, dont get me started!!

Thanks for the support guys. I wish i could have a drink, but i think itll be another 24h in case i need to drive in a hurry!

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:10 PM Reply With Quote
The other positive thing, is that this is the second incident in a year, which makes it a statistic.

Now that we have a statistic, ill be involved with the school to make things safer.

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:17 PM Reply With Quote
guy must've been driving close to the parked cars for that to happen glad she's ok though poor thing

i take it the guy stopped etc?


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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:21 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by blakep82
guy must've been driving close to the parked cars for that to happen glad she's ok though poor thing

i take it the guy stopped etc?

Funnily enough....... SHE did stop, and was hysterical so im told.

I think theres more to this than meets the eye (ear) so will wait until the police have spoken to everyone to put it to bed. Priority for me is to make sure my stepdaughter gets better, then to make sure something is done to prevent it happening again.

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:53 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MakeEverything
Funnily enough....... SHE did stop, and was hysterical so im told.

well i don't think it was the time for jokes! sorry, couldn't resist.

hope shes feeling better and happier soon


IVA manual link

don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!

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posted on 6/11/09 at 11:57 PM Reply With Quote
hope she gets better soon. kids are pretty robust. the worst bit will be getting her teeth sorted out. i nearly got run over today crossing the road. there was a load of cars queued up approaching a roundabout i pressed the button for the lights waited and a silly bint in the queue wasnt looking and nearly plowed me down. luckily she went away with a dent in her bonnet from my hand rather than my head.

there are a lot of poor drivers out there people. watch out.

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posted on 7/11/09 at 01:01 AM Reply With Quote
You all must be in turmoil. Unimaginable shock. I hope she is comfortable and getting the best of care. Our tired old NHS is excellent in these situations. Try to fit in eating, sleeping and taking care of yourselves. Best wishes for her full recovery.
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posted on 7/11/09 at 07:42 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MakeEverything
its a smily now compared to earlier!

The police are well involved at the minute, and there were lots of witnesses. Sounds to me like a cocktail for disaster with the road the way it is, and the cars scattered all around the school at pick up time.

Have had a long conversation with the headmaster to make movements to get it rectified already.

She is ok at the minute, bu she'll be sore for a few days.

I wish your young lass a speedy recovery, unfortunately (or fortunately, it will make her very wary of crossing roads) it will take a lot longer for the psycological healing.

I drive Taxis for a living and the schools around my area are an absolute nightmare. Parents are not allowed into the school carparks because of health and saftey so the are forced to drop off in the roads around/near to the school. This creates MAJOR traffic congestion and has led to one or two unfortunate incidents involving parents (cars) and children. The police then have a prescence around the school for about a month enforcing parking regulations etc, ticketing as neccessary. The traffic disperses and all calms down until the next lot of bad weather after the police have gone and then ALL the poor driving habits return.
There are some answers to these problems, but they are will not be popular and to be honest would only be enforcable by government action. However no right minded government would EVER contemplate these actions because they would never get re-elected after implimentation. None of the politicians has the moral backbone to do what is needed.

[Edited on 7/11/09 by jollygreengiant]

Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.

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posted on 7/11/09 at 08:24 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by MakeEverything
Funnily enough....... SHE did stop, and was hysterical so im told.

well i don't think it was the time for jokes! sorry, couldn't resist.

hope shes feeling better and happier soon

IT wasnt the time for joking, but were fortunate enough to be able to look at the positive side of things now though.

Thankyou all for your support. I slept on the sofa last night, so that she could sleep in ours and be watched. I always thought the sofa was comfortable!!

Anyway, shes still asleep and should be ok. Thanks again guys.

Kindest Regards,

...You can make it foolProof, but youll never make it Idiot Proof!...

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posted on 7/11/09 at 08:46 AM Reply With Quote
Im alway's amazed by the number of people who insist on driving their kids to school who live a five minute walk away. At my sons primary school there was a competition between 4WD mums to see who could park closest so everyone could see their Cayenne or Discovery was the newest.. they would get abusive with the caretaker if he asked them not to block the gates etc!!

Now he's moved to secondary school it's worse. He walks the half hour walk to school but his mate's mum drives the 700 yards (sometimes wearing a dressing gown ) drops her's and drives home.

I worry were breading a generation of softies this way as well as the danger/pollution/health stuff

p.s. Later today I'll be running the line at a local football game where the same people will arrive. shout at the ref and me and generally ruin the experience for their kid's.... weve banned them from Rugby and the kid's love it. perhaps the same would be good for school parking and footie?

sorry for that becoming a rant and I hope your's is fine..

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posted on 7/11/09 at 08:53 AM Reply With Quote
Not the best news you've ever had, I'll bet. Good news is that she was ok to come home and nothing life threatening. I've had a lot of friends with facial injuries (through cycling accidents) and they always look terrible, but once the swelling and bruising goes down things won't be as bad as they first appeared...although they might look worse once the bruising comes out this weekend. Teeth and noses can be fixed.

School run traffic is a nightmare and a danger to the children. "Find a safe place to cross, away from parked cars" is virtually imposible as the drivers ignore all parking rules. Ask the parents why they do it and the majority say it's because it's too damgerous on the roads around school to let thier children walk! Self fulfilling prophesy!?

Hope she gets well quick.

"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire

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posted on 7/11/09 at 08:58 AM Reply With Quote
We hope she makes a good recovery and isn't left scarred mentally or physically by the experience. All the best wishes for her, all the schools round here have the same problem and there are 20mph restrictions in force when the light is flashing on the crossings and I have watched people drive round the lollipop ladies because they are obviously more important than a child.

[Edited on 7/11/09 by Peteff]

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 7/11/09 at 10:04 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MakeEverything
Got a call today at around 3:30 from my stepdaughters dad. She had been hit by a car....

Had to call the wife at work which of course made her hysterical. Got on the train home, and to the hospital.

Long story short (Been a long day);

She leaned out to see if it was clear to cross the road, and got hit in the face by a 30mph wing mirror.

Broken nose, swollen face on once side, three teeth lost, and a fracured elbow - not to mention the psychological mess...

She's ok now, but its been a hell of a day!!

Just needed to share it.

Sorry to hear about the incident - Wish all Well

But what the Hell was the car doing driving at 30mph past a school most schools ij scotland are 20mph zones.

Scot's do it better in Kilts.

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posted on 7/11/09 at 10:24 AM Reply With Quote
Get the police to check the drivers Mobile Phone records... Sounds like she wasnt paying proper attention to be that close in.
Could be a driving without due care and attention job in my opinion.

I take my lunchtime walk along a road that has nearly all the city's posh private Prep Schools on it. I often sit on a bench and just watch the world go by. The number of drivers holding a phone to their ear is unbelievable. If I was a copper, I would site there... and pull the buggers over and do them.
Whats more they DOUBLE park on this road when dropping the kids off. Its the MAIN Drag out of the city as well, so is always busy. To me it beggars belief.

Hope the lassie has a speedy recovery, and that the worst is now over.

1. The point of a journey is not to arrive.
2. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

Best Regards

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posted on 7/11/09 at 10:27 AM Reply With Quote
is the wing mirror going to be ok

hope shes not mentally or physically scared by the ordeal

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