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Author: Subject: ETB Digi Dash - random shift light malfunction

posted on 4/8/20 at 12:57 PM Reply With Quote
ETB Digi Dash - random shift light malfunction

Been using a Digi Dash for nearly seven years and found it really good. When I got my car out of hibernation a couple of weeks ago I found on first drive that the shift lights were flashing up at random intervals. I found I could cause this by heavy braking but there were some random events when 'cruising'. I checked fluid levels to ensure there was no interaction with brake failure warning ( added a droop of fluid to compensate for pad wear ) and ensured electrical connections were good . Second test and heavy braking no longer triggers the lights but still getting random actuation. When running up to first trigger speed I got the expected green lights but when I backed off I got the whole range flashing. Digital read out of engine speed seems stable and correct when this happens. I have contacted ETB and described the above to which the response was ' I have got no idea'. Further discussion produced no ideas beyond check connections.
So I am appealing for help from the Locost community. Anyone had this experience? Any electronic wizards in the house? My only potentially useful thought ( I am not a wizard of any kind ) is that since the tacho feed is the source of shift light actuation and the tacho readout seems to be good there must be some internal fault causing this malfunction. Any advice?

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Duncan Grier

posted on 4/8/20 at 07:21 PM Reply With Quote
Start with checking the earths and tacho feed connections
View User's Profile View All Posts By User U2U Member

posted on 4/8/20 at 08:06 PM Reply With Quote
Mine flashes when you turn the ignition on - to do with low voltage I believe.

Worth checking earths as a bad earth can cause the strangest of issues, but also battery and alternator health.

View User's Profile View All Posts By User U2U Member

posted on 4/8/20 at 08:58 PM Reply With Quote
is it a deliberate timed flash do you think or a kind of inconsistent flash?

Once you have checked all of the external wires and feeds I guess the dash is the next port of call. If it is a DD2 lite you cant get into them at all. I think they are sealed.

If you use the virtual laptop can you get it to happen and be smooth of the laptop but glitch on the LED dash, is that what you said? If not, trying to do this may help.

BTW, ETB are based in southend, on the same estate as my office. They are not set for walk in business. The guy running it is. . . er. . . . qwerky!

A proper old skool small business electronics unit. walls full of shelves, shelves full of boxes, boxes full of "jus' in cases"! No surprise they were of little help, he didn't really want to sell me sensors when I knocked on his door!

Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!

Please read my ring story:

Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!

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posted on 5/8/20 at 08:25 PM Reply With Quote
Hi Bi22le. yes track days are better than most things. Had a day on the Brands GP circuit today which gave me the opportunity to check lots of functions especially shift light activation. From total chaos random lights from idle to any speed eventually the digital rev speed out gave up - not until I had recorded an end of session peak of 22,000 rpm on a Ford Sigma engine - not bad!. This sort of confirmed to me that the cause was the pick up from the ignition system. ( I had previously found it difficult to understand that the digital engine speed worked but the poo lights didn't.) Superficial investigation suggests that a spliced connection to the ignition output may be responsible . I will investigate tomorrow when I have more energy - totally knackered at the moment ( part of getting old ! )
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Posts By User U2U Member

posted on 6/8/20 at 07:17 AM Reply With Quote
I really wanted to do brands GP but things didn't play into my hand the way I needed them to.

It sounds like the day went well and you have a root cause.

Happy times

Hopefully I'll be at brands indy on 18th. Everything is fully booked ATM. It's crazy.

Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!

Please read my ring story:

Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!

View User's Profile View All Posts By User U2U Member

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