posted on 21/7/08 at 06:25 PM |
Will it air dry or is it in need of an oven? Do I need rocket if not using an oven?
If its broke, fix it. If it aint broke, take it apart and find out how it works!
Mark Allanson
posted on 21/7/08 at 06:40 PM |
If you don't have an oven, you and those unfortunate to be around you will die.
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 21/7/08 at 06:43 PM |
Care to elaborate? Since posting Ive found that the U-pol HS 2k will air dry, low bake or IR cure.
If its broke, fix it. If it aint broke, take it apart and find out how it works!
posted on 21/7/08 at 07:00 PM |
Any 2k will air dry, just takes a bit longer so more time for c*ap to fall in it! Make sure the area you use is VERY well ventilated & as hot as
poss & you should have no problems - however I disclaim all responsibility! You can also get faster hardener & thinners.
I no longer run Furore Products or Furore Cars Ltd, but would still highly recommend them for Acewell dashes, projector headlights, dominator
headlights, indicators, mirrors etc, best prices in the UK! Take a look at http://www.furoreproducts.co.uk/ or find more parts on Ebay, user names
furoreltd & furoreproducts, discounts available for LCB users.
Don't forget Stainless Steel Braided brake hoses, made to your exact requirements in any of around 16 colours.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 21/7/08 at 07:06 PM |
proper 3m mask for 2k and some paper overalls
posted on 21/7/08 at 07:41 PM |
quote: Originally posted by froggy
proper 3m mask for 2k and some paper overalls
And if you're lucky you and your family won't die.
I'm always amazed how many people suggest 'you'll be fine' using paint that can kill/disable you if you make the slightest
mistake. The only proper mask is an air fed professional sprayers mask. The only safe place to do it is in a properly designed spray booth.
See Mark's post in this thread
[Edited on 21/7/08 by iank]
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
posted on 21/7/08 at 08:19 PM |
2K will air dry fine with out the use of a oven . I would use a fast hardener do it on a dry day with no dampness in the air. What ever the over spray
comes into contact with it will stick to as well so make sure everything is well out of the way.Make sure you also wash your gun out within 45 mins
of putting on the last coat on unless you want to by a new one.Use a good quality mask! put the paint on and get out! But really it should be done in
a oven for health an safety of you and your family
posted on 22/7/08 at 04:24 PM |
Maybe IM a little confused. Is there a difference between 2k and two pack then??
posted on 23/7/08 at 12:40 PM |
2k & 2 pack are the same thing - it simply means that a hardener is added to the paint b4 applying it.
There are some gross exaggerations made about the dangers of using 2k.
Yes, it does contain isocyanates & should not be used without a filtered & heated spray booth without an air fed mask & protective
overalls, however it's affects are cummulative so it is a very different thing if you are painting one car or if you are using the stuff every
day in your job.
I would suggest that you probably take in more from general absorbtion thro' the skin & from what still reaches you past a mask if you are
using it every day than you would by painting one car every 5 years in a well ventilated workshop & using an air fed mask.
It is actually still dangerous when hardened so if you are rubbing it down also very important to wear a particle mask.
Please don't get me wrong, I would not underestimate the damage it can do, but to say that if you use it without a booth then you & those
around you will die is a little extreme.
Might i possibly suggest that those of you sticking those little white cancer sticks in your mouths would be in rather more danger from those than
spraying a car as a one off with 2k!!! 
Another myth is that it is no longer legal, this is not true, they have changed it so that only high solids 2k can now be sold - this covers in less
coats & thus puts less out into the atmosphere (or indeed your lungs!) I believe it also has the isocyanate content reduced.
I no longer run Furore Products or Furore Cars Ltd, but would still highly recommend them for Acewell dashes, projector headlights, dominator
headlights, indicators, mirrors etc, best prices in the UK! Take a look at http://www.furoreproducts.co.uk/ or find more parts on Ebay, user names
furoreltd & furoreproducts, discounts available for LCB users.
Don't forget Stainless Steel Braided brake hoses, made to your exact requirements in any of around 16 colours.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 23/7/08 at 04:47 PM |
That my boy is very helpfull info. Thanks!
If its broke, fix it. If it aint broke, take it apart and find out how it works!
posted on 23/7/08 at 07:51 PM |
Hold on 2k is very dangerous --- the effects vary greatly from person to person. Put it this way even if it appears to have little effect on you at
first you might spray three or four cars or even 50 cars with little effect other than having paint coloured snot for a couple of days, then spray
one more car and become sensitive to the paint next you find yourself unable to breathe rolling about the floor with terrible chest pain.
You can get some very good single pack (1K) base colour paints that are a lot less toxic than 2k but they really need over coated with a 2k clear
coat. 1K clear coat isn't anything like as robust as 2k.
posted on 23/7/08 at 07:53 PM |
Oh the other thing about 2k is the overspray travels very long distances and sticks like a limpet to anything it lands on.
[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.
posted on 23/7/08 at 08:35 PM |
Lacquer is what I want to use and I need it to be high build.
Spraying carbon components so no colour needed.
posted on 25/7/08 at 06:34 PM |
2k isnt that dangerous ive been spraying it for 6-7 years since we switched from celly
you can buy fast activator which works a treat outdoors if you want it to go off really quick do it in your shed with a couple of 2kw heaters and the
door half open
autopaint in st hellens do mail order paint and machine mart do a dual filter resperator both of wich are just right
work on the basis of 6 inches in a paint cup using a steel rule 3 inches paint 2 of activator 1.5 if its fast and the rest celly thinners anti bloom
is best stirr well
leave it infront of the heater say 2 ft away turning the gun a few times for 20 min giving the activator time to start
then spray as it hits the pannel it will start to go off 15 min between coats not to heavy with the coats finishing in a slightly thinner mix to give
it a nice gloss
leave for 2 days go over with 2000 grade abralon pads or wet and dry and buff with g3
you wont need laquer if its flat but you will if its metalic which i wouldnt attempt if this is your first spray job
think thats it im sure people will write in saying you will die but im verry much alive whilst writing this and the guy i work with an ex chemical
wepons scientist seems happy to spray it this way to
after al its two pack paint not anthrax any these days your far more likely to die driving the car than painting it lol
posted on 26/7/08 at 07:22 AM |
Like I say bud, not using any colour only Lacquer to coat up some carbon that Ive made. Need to be a little heavy with the first few coats to fill
some pin holes before putting on the finishing coats, obviously cutting back the heavy coats pretty much to the carbon its self.
Stuff I have is this:-
which is a 4-1 mix. Hardner is fast and Ive also got some rocket. Not sure how much of that to put in though, I guess its a small splash!
Im not going to be painting a car and I dont intend to be using this stuff much at all, got five light mountings, two rear arches, two cycle wings and
a bonnet scoop/buldge to do.
Thinners should be compatible with 2K should it not? Not celly thinners??
If its broke, fix it. If it aint broke, take it apart and find out how it works!
Mark Allanson
posted on 1/8/08 at 10:07 PM |
"after al its two pack paint not anthrax any these days your far more likely to die driving the car than painting it lol"
If you spray paint without a paint booth and air fed mask, you have several problems
1, the nasty part f the paint is not particulate so the best filter mask in the world will be as much use as a chocolate teapot - making you very
2, the overspray will not cure for about 20 mins unlike celly or sticky and will land on next door kids school uniforms which are drying on the line,
or grandads cabbages still growing in his veg patch - the kids will develop skin cancer and grandad will die of digestive diseases in short order
3, nuclear waste has a half life and will eventually degrade into relatively harmless derivatives, isocyanate is a stable compound, you have it for
ever so your house and garden will be contaminated for ever
Am I right in thinking that 'lol' stands for 'laughing out loud'?
Just don't do it, I know I sound like an old nanny bitching on about 2K, but it hasn't been banned for no reason. Equally good
alternatives are available, and those who promote it on here have shown a fundamental misunderstanding of correct useage and HSE guidelines.
Give me anthrax any day - at least it is curable
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 2/8/08 at 05:51 PM |
OK. I need to try and clear this up.
if 2k is the same as two pack is the same as any 2 component paint/lacquer and you say it has been banned, then how come I can still get it a what is
a very reputable paint dealership local to me? (availability on Ebay is a given as pretty much anything goes on there, banned or not).
In my research I have come across two types of 2k lacquer. one is a 2:1 mix the other a 4:1, other then the obvious whats the difference? And why are
they easily obtainable if they are banned?
Also I have come across masks that are specifically for 2k and are not air fed.
Admitedly the former is on the dreaded Bay, but the latter shows generic codes for masks, isocyanates included.
And finally whats the alternatives you talk about?
[Edited on 2/8/08 by iiyama]
[Edited on 2/8/08 by iiyama]
[Edited on 2/8/08 by iiyama]
Mark Allanson
posted on 2/8/08 at 06:13 PM |
Firstly, the terminology. 2k stands for 2 komponent which is german, 2 pack is the uk/usa parlance, all exactly the same stuff.
In about 2000 it was made illegal for bodyshops to use 2k where their VOC (volatile organic compounds) usage was in excess of 2 tonnes. This was
policed by the local council and the responsibility was placed on the paint wholesalers to maintain records of sales. The 2 tonne limit has been
progressively reduced over the years to 0.5 tonnes now(I think).
Paint wholesales can sell 2k to small bodyshops on an ad hoc basis as long as they do not exceed 250kgs per anum and this is where the loophole comes
in.They must declare the sale to a company name (usually kerbside motors) to get over the legalities. I don't know how ebay get over it as it is
also illegal to send the evil stuff through the post!
2k paints are either solid or metallic single coat where you just paint out on one coat, or where a polyester basecoat is overcoated with a 2k
You can get basecoats in either solid or metallic colours and these are 1k and no more harmful than synthetic or cellulose. You can overcoat this with
a 1k clearcoat (also much cheaper than 2k) which is again is not lethal.
I am sorry for bitching on again but I have friends who have died as a direct result of painting with 2k, it really isn't funny and it gets me
when the uninformed say its fine just paint with it.
Your other question about mixing ratios, its just a manufacturer variation, some make the clear more thixotrophic, and you effectively thin it with
the catalysing element.
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation