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Keeping a visor clean
DIY Si - 10/1/09 at 07:38 PM

Evening all,
Having been out and about in the toy car today, I came across some freezing fog, and generally cold weather. Now, I wear a Shoei helmet when I drive, and the visor kept freezing up. I rarely have the visor fully shut, it's normally on the first or second click, and the air rushing over it was enough to freeze both sides of the visor at times. I can't shut the visor as it steams up when I breathe, as it would appear that the air flow through the vents is insufficient in the car.
Does anyone know of a way of keeping the visor either warm enough so it won't freeze, or a way that allows me to shut the visor in the hope that it will stay warmer that way?

jlparsons - 10/1/09 at 07:40 PM

Never worn a helmet in my life, I'm sad to say, but have you tried that stuff you polish the inside of your car windows with that stops it misting up? May not be man for the job but can't hurt.

philw - 10/1/09 at 07:41 PM

Rain x anti fog i think it is

zetec7 - 10/1/09 at 07:42 PM


Seriously, though, there are some good anti-fogging preparations you can use on the visor (both sides) that should stop the fogging in the first place, preventing the freezing in the second place. I do that on my motorcycle helmet visor...

Paul (Notts) - 10/1/09 at 07:42 PM

I have two visors for my shoei, one has the pinlock anti mist insert fitted and it very good. If I use the clear one without it I have to keep it open to stop it misting. The tinted one with the pinlock anti mist insert never mists up.


as in the link

[Edited on 10/1/09 by Paul (Notts)]

Dave Ashurst - 10/1/09 at 07:46 PM

try a "fog city" insert perhaps.
like secondary double glazing in your visor
pretty good actually


fazerruss - 10/1/09 at 07:49 PM

Get yourself a foggy, it looks a bit like a mask that pilots wear. It directs your breath downwards away from the visor.

flak monkey - 10/1/09 at 07:50 PM

Try washing the visor with washing up liquid and just wipe it off. Works quite well i find...


rotax78 - 10/1/09 at 07:59 PM

get a fog city insert for your visor, much better than any visor spray (bob heath etc)

wrigglypig - 10/1/09 at 08:22 PM

two or 3 drops of fairy washing up liquid on the inside then "polish" it in with a very soft tissue. Let me know how you get on?


MakeEverything - 10/1/09 at 08:54 PM

Exactly what i was going to say. Dont get it wet though.

Ive ridden bikes in all weathers. A Few years back i used to ride my GSXR in the snow to work.

Ive tried all manner of additives and anti fog stuff. Rain X rain repellant works really well on the outside, and washing up liquid on the inside. You can even keep a small vial of it and a yellow duster under the seat.

Originally posted by wrigglypig
two or 3 drops of fairy washing up liquid on the inside then "polish" it in with a very soft tissue. Let me know how you get on?


Dangle_kt - 10/1/09 at 10:05 PM

locost option is either fairy liquid, as has been mentioned, or potatoe starch, just chop a spud in half and rub it on the inside of your visor.

apart from those, which work OK (put not brilliant)

I recommend a secondary insert like a pinlock. No fog = no open visor = no frozen visor.

Oh, also helps to click the lid open when you are at lights etc. and then close it when motoring again.

BenB - 10/1/09 at 10:14 PM

I recently invested in some anti fog from RainX for the very same reason... Might even clean the inside of my glasses with it for day to day usage!!!

Danozeman - 11/1/09 at 11:40 AM

Joking aside divers spit on the inside of there visor thing and rub it in to stop the misting. Used to work for me when i was a chav on a 50..

907 - 11/1/09 at 12:48 PM

Hi Si.

Shoei do a breath deflector that clips in.

That and Gloop (or Fairy Liquid) will sort it.


Paul G Rescued attachment breath-guard-s.jpg
Rescued attachment breath-guard-s.jpg

DIY Si - 11/1/09 at 04:06 PM

Cheers for all the advice guys! When you say about not getting the fairy liquid type ideas wet, is that not wet at all, or will it put up with a little bit of spray? The roads round my way tend to stay damp for quite a while after it's stopped raining, and I'm often driving in a light spray.

907 - 11/1/09 at 04:42 PM

Once cleaned with Fairy do not touch the visor again with your fingers.
When you lift it, just lift by the edge.

To clean off water spray accelerate to 160mph and turn your head sideways, left then right.

It works on a BEB

Paul G

paul the 6th - 13/1/09 at 12:22 PM

as others have said, rain repellant on the outside of the visor, a bit of fairy washing up liquid rubbed into the inside (or one of them fancy fog city visor inserts)

and what I use:

A Foggy Breath Guard

Made from the same material as wetsuits (neoprene?) and sticks inside your helmet with velcro on either side & on the front. Takes a little bit of adjusting to get it right at first, but once it's in, it's amazing About 10 to 15 quid from any decent bike shop

RichB - 30/1/09 at 11:23 PM

I've got a FogCity insert which works really well on my Shoei. It also gets a darker tint as the sun gets brighter (almost clear to start). Double action all the way!

Ninehigh - 1/2/09 at 02:23 AM

The cheap version of that foggy thing (that facemask wotsit) is to try and breathe on your chin. That's what I had to do when I was on my bike cos the only other thing that worked was fully opening the visor...