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fun weather for a drive last night
mongrelwestie - 17/4/09 at 08:49 AM

picked my car up from advanced motorsport last night in silverstone back to sunny hertfordshire and i knew it would be wet but i had not imagined just how wet it was going to be! roof on wipers going but no sides! visibility was at about zero fro most of the drive! wont do that again in a hurry! but the good news is it starts from cold now

Kriss - 17/4/09 at 10:24 AM

I got caught out wed night about 20 mins from home. Was in a pub garden and it was a really nice evening. The the pitter patter of rain, I thought we are under an umbrella so it sound worse than it is. Whacked on the tonneau and carried on drinking and chatting. Sound of rain got prgressively worse after about half an hour so I decided to bail.

Wasnot too bad. Wore night time driving glasses and pulled my hood up lol. By the time I got to the town near where I live, Tesco looked too quiet and wet to be left alone, so i proceeded to dick around with my buddy LSD. ah what fun, guilt free R888 drifting!