been playing with this bit of software that you can use to log where youve driven/ridden/walked/flown called trackr it logs gps position and either
updates live or you can collect and download later. you can share with your friends or keep it private!!!
works with most gps enabled phones etc..
could be a good way to share routes now the summer is on us...
thats great! I have been thinking of a similar peice of software for some time, as i want to take up green laning, but legally - and it would be a
pain to always have to take the OS maps out each time. logging where I went and then saving it for next time would be brilliant.
good find.
What Id like to see is somone use it on a track day. on the readout you may plot your speed averages!!
btw it may take a few hours from registration to actually letting the phone/pda login..
I use one on my blackberry called GPSed. Its a free download straight to the phone.
Its very easy to use, simply start it and let it run. Very accurate, when viewing you can see where I've veered off for a few metres.
Best bit is you can then upload it to gpsed.com where you can view it over a map of google earth in 3d. There is also a way of uploading photographs
you take en route and tag them to the points along the route, not managed to work that bit out yet though!
a friend uses this on his Iphone when we have gone out cycling. It also linked into google earth and was very good, we could use it to track which
hills we fell off and ones we just eased down.
The only problem we has was it tracked the max speeds wrong but seemed to record the location, route and graphs for speeds correct?
Theres an app for the Nokia N series called sports tracker. Does very similar things to the above and is also free