drove from harlow to bishop storford today... in the space of half and hour... saw 4 sevens.. 1 white, 1 red and 2 yellow !!!
anyone from here ???
I wish!!! bishop stortford, thats close to where i am.... You must have gone past Felsted.
i didn't see any other seven-esque cars whilst i was out today, i did get lots of looks from old people and waves from young kids though
I saw one blue Seven in Ledbury....
Other than that... was just triumphs and a LOT of bikes...
I have discovered that doing anything over the speed limit with a straight through exhaust causes your ears to bleed.... therefore, I drove everywhere
at 50 today to curb the pain!
Originally posted by eddie99
I wish!!! bishop stortford, thats close to where i am.... You must have gone past Felsted.
I was in my tin top, and it was a conveluted route..... if you look at the map i started at harlow, went on to church gate street, then
sawbridgeworth... the thorley.. bishopstortford...... i actually went all the way to stanstead mountmichet.
i think the yellow and red one were dax rush's...
Saw a ally 7 in Wimbish yesterday, no idea what it was as it went past pretty fast.