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Woodbridge trackdays any good ???
INDY BIRD - 1/9/09 at 09:09 PM

Hi All

thinking of a track day at woodbridge is it any good???

can see its an airfield and some rough surfaces but just seeking any feedback if not will book snets up


bmseven - 1/9/09 at 09:24 PM

I'd recommend it
Woodbridge is actually pretty smooth and gentle on your tyres.
Run off areas are huge unlike a race track, you would have to be pretty unlucky to do any damage in the event of an off. This also means you keep leaving your braking later and later and
And obviously because it's an airfield its all rather flat.
They are a friendly lot and quite a diverse range of cars I assume you have seen the images from the last event HERE
As your only in Essex it can't be to far from you?
Quite a few videos on you tube

GeorgeM - 1/9/09 at 09:26 PM

been there once as a passenger with 'amalyos'

couple of bumpy bits but plenty of run off.

if it's dry I will be doing the late September one


INDY BIRD - 1/9/09 at 09:31 PM

Hi Thanks for the feed back also looking at sept one


Russ-Turner - 1/9/09 at 09:39 PM

Was at Bedford Autodrome yesterday, bleeding hell that place is bleak!

catman - 1/9/09 at 09:59 PM

very bad for stone damage, the grit made the rear wings look like they had been blasted with a 12 bore!, fun track but wasnt worth the damage, put layers of duct tape on your wings and you might be ok.


russbost - 1/9/09 at 11:24 PM

Second the comments on stone damage - took the new Furore up there b4 i went to Le Mans - it only had 60 miles on the clock - came away looking like it had done 100,000 motorway miles. I would say the surface is generally fairly smooth but with a few large bumps/drops. It's good from the point of view you have to be fairly daft/unlucky/bad driver to do much damage - didn't stop someone from rolling a BMW the day we were there tho'!

mark chandler - 2/9/09 at 12:37 AM

I had enjoyable day out, pretty smooth surface apart from a couple of landing light bumps, just found the straights a bit long as ran out of gears.

Not worried about stone damage myself but if you are then cover those rear arches, mine do look blasted now.

nstrug - 2/9/09 at 08:09 AM

Decent track layout with great runoffs. There are a couple of interesting surface transitions but other than that the surface is fine. Nice people and not nearly as intimidating as places like Brands.

The only downsides is no garages and quite often a long queue to get out of the paddock and on to the track.

The Wilford Bridge Pub on the A1152 does really good local seafood (excellent crab) and local cider - don't be put off by the rather dated decor.


catman - 2/9/09 at 01:42 PM

quote "didn't stop someone from rolling a BMW the day we were there tho'!"

Someone rolled an allmera gti track car when i was there. he went home and fetched his brand new Audi R8 and thrashed that round the track instead! how the other half live!


shaun fulcrum - 2/9/09 at 02:46 PM

I'll be there on the 26th september (weather depending). Hopefully see a few of you up there

INDY BIRD - 3/9/09 at 05:45 PM

well im booked to go now so will do a little prep work to protect the car etc,

looking forward to the shakedown

cheers and see you there
