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Doomed, its not going to be worth having a car soon....
coozer - 25/1/10 at 04:59 PM

THIS spells the end for fast luxurious motors and sportscars like ours..

Whats the point I ask ya?????

tegwin - 25/1/10 at 05:03 PM

Dont get me started...

Its going to cause accidents, frustration and will inevitably mean people start finding ways to cheat the system.....

What is the point of the governement meddling... I just dont get it... its changes for changes sake... there is NO benefit!

Bluemoon - 25/1/10 at 05:05 PM

Personaly 70mph (Real speed as Sat nav ect reports) in the 7 is fast enough for me just to "windy" above for lengthy motorway run.. Any thing more than that is for track I recon..

Mabe an issue for Audi/BMW drivers etc, but after having a Ferrari speeding at ~180mph behind me on the A14 as I was passing a car I would personal be quite happy with the idea..


blakep82 - 25/1/10 at 05:07 PM

everyone should just remove number plates. done if everyone did it, surely we couldn't ALL get in trouble lol

but not everyone would do it...

meany - 25/1/10 at 05:13 PM

and who said communism was dead

yeah for Democracy

this government really is getting me down

scootz - 25/1/10 at 05:20 PM

No problem with that on Motorways... cars such as ours should only be seen on back-roads!

irvined - 25/1/10 at 05:32 PM

Just a good reason to use minor roads really. And anybody with their number plates still on their car after that comes out is just plain daft if you ask me anyway

DRC INDY 7 - 25/1/10 at 05:40 PM

Ok so when they do this and nobody is speeding ie paying a fine tax will have to go up to pay for the short fall in revenue and fuel will go up because less of it is being used

ian86 - 25/1/10 at 05:48 PM

what annoys me is there claiming it is to cut carbon emissions. nothing to do with road safety. so all non-petrol cars should be exempt from the speed limit then?

iank - 25/1/10 at 05:52 PM

Where I've seen them used (mainly the A14 and A1M through the roadworks) they've increased the average speed quite considerably, far fewer traffic jams due to numpties accelerating hard and then slamming on the brakes. A14 particularly became a much nicer road after they were put up.

Average speed cameras don't tend to cause (as many) accidents as if you think you need to brake it's already too late.

On the down side it will almost certainly drive the lunatics onto the back roads so carnage will be high and it will drive them to put up gatso's on more A/B roads.

Blame sat-nav with camera warnings for their introduction though.

[Edited on 25/1/10 by iank]

r1_pete - 25/1/10 at 05:55 PM

I find motorways flow better in the avg speed check zones, the work on the M1 in Notts has been going on for ages, 50mph for about 16 miles.

16 miles of no one cutting you up, undertaking, tailgating stressing, if this gets the motorways flowing as well, bring it on, sod the Audi, BMW, Merc look at my jacket on the little hook brigade.....

RichardK - 25/1/10 at 06:02 PM

I'll be ok then, mine neither fast nor luxurious


dlatch - 25/1/10 at 06:06 PM

i actually prefer the average speed cameras as they stop speeding much more safely than the usual fixed cameras

but what i object to is them used as a blatant tax on motorists and have nothing to do with carbon emissions if they wantedt o sort that then fix the fucking roads in the first place and stop spending the money propping up the nhs

uk really is becoming a nanny state our lives won't be our own before too long

COREdevelopments - 25/1/10 at 06:15 PM

What a load of shite!! Soon Your not going to be able to fart in public it could increase your carbon footprint!! It seems they only way they can impose things is if they mention carbon footprint and emmisions crap. Its all a money making idea and has jack to do with road safety.
Whats the point in all this modern technology and safety that goes into cars when the are trying to reduce motorway speeds? If they want us to slow down they should make us all drive morris minors but this wounldnt be any safer because a new car can stop quicker and safer going alot faster. And the big NO NO is its not carbon friendly is it. So we are F****ed!!!!!


[Edited on 25/1/10 by COREdevelopments]

jollygreengiant - 25/1/10 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
16 miles of no one cutting you up, undertaking, tailgating stressing, if this gets the motorways flowing as well, bring it on, sod the Audi, BMW, Merc look at my jacket on the little hook brigade.....

SO, you've obviously NEVER experienced the Commercial drivers who for some reason seem to have a different idea of 50mph to what your speedo says and under-take you or drive THREE feet off your back end flashing you because you are NOT going fast enough for them.

There is STILL no substuitute for plenty of police in patrol cars watching the traffic and stopping and prosecuting offenders there and then. With the reminder that if your journey is 'THAT URGENT' then you should have set off earlier. And if you get held up then you get there when you arive. Its frustrating that you get held up, but accept it.

escary - 25/1/10 at 07:06 PM

tax the motorist and make all motoring offences reportable as solved CRIMES, this seems to be the mantra of officialdom.

I read a report yesterday that an idiot driver in Scotland was driving at 116 mph in a wee car (corsa / saxo et.c.) 3 days after passing his test crashed and killed his mate, he got 4 and a half years and a ten year ban. It's terrible that someone was killed and speed is ony a victimless crime when conditions allow but given that there was no cameras or , as i think we'd all prefer, police cars i can only assume that they knew his speed prior to the accident by tracking his personal gps receiver or mobile phone as they are better known.

get rid of all speed cameras and reinstate the removed and depleted traffic police sections, we'd all be better off. It was a standard police stop for a faulty light that caught the yorkshire ripper, i'd like to see Lord Gatso and co do the same.

As a result of the invisible phone tracking that they are doing i never carry one when out on my motorbike, as long as someone in the group has one , or carries everyones, we all have plausible denyability, maybe a thought for future 7 runs

JoelP - 25/1/10 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Originally posted by r1_pete
16 miles of no one cutting you up, undertaking, tailgating stressing, if this gets the motorways flowing as well, bring it on, sod the Audi, BMW, Merc look at my jacket on the little hook brigade.....

SO, you've obviously NEVER experienced the Commercial drivers who for some reason seem to have a different idea of 50mph to what your speedo says and under-take you or drive THREE feet off your back end flashing you because you are NOT going fast enough for them.

i didnt realise you'd seen me, you should have waved!

They go faster because they are in a hurry, and know that you can have a speedo reading of 58 and not get prosecuted.

From the other side, why do people sit in the right lane at 50 (with a queue of commercials behind them) when the left lane is empty?

norfolkluego - 25/1/10 at 07:17 PM

The clue's in their title 'Sustainable Development Commission' nothing to do with road safety just more ecomentalism.

Mark Allanson - 25/1/10 at 07:23 PM

These average speed cameras won't last long if we all buck the system.

Drive at 5mph for the first mile, back up the traffic, then floor it, leave the 11's and fly through the final camera at 115mph.

Once they realise they arn't working, they will scrap them.

r1_pete - 25/1/10 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Originally posted by r1_pete
16 miles of no one cutting you up, undertaking, tailgating stressing, if this gets the motorways flowing as well, bring it on, sod the Audi, BMW, Merc look at my jacket on the little hook brigade.....

SO, you've obviously NEVER experienced the Commercial drivers who for some reason seem to have a different idea of 50mph to what your speedo says and under-take you or drive THREE feet off your back end flashing you because you are NOT going fast enough for them.

There is STILL no substuitute for plenty of police in patrol cars watching the traffic and stopping and prosecuting offenders there and then. With the reminder that if your journey is 'THAT URGENT' then you should have set off earlier. And if you get held up then you get there when you arive. Its frustrating that you get held up, but accept it.

If people use lanes properly that is not a problem, sitting at the speed limit in the left most lane possible, only using lane 2 and 3 for overtaking.

The middle lane owners club is a different argument, which I agree camera's cant fix, yet.

gottabedone - 25/1/10 at 08:20 PM

We lose 30 billion quid a year to fraud in the UK. Half of this is due to benefit cheats
It has been proven that these cameras don't save lives but gather revenue so why don't the use the thousands of people employed in the speeding gravy train (excuse the pun )
to catch all of the maggots who cost everyone over £600 per year. Remember also that this is only paid by the taxpayer


skinned knuckles - 25/1/10 at 08:25 PM

anyone fancy posting plans for "bond" style flip number plates? I'm sure there is a locost way

motorcycle_mayhem - 25/1/10 at 08:26 PM


It's difficult for the Sheeple to comprehend that there can possibly be a defence against moves for increased surveillance and speeding enforcement, etc.


I'm sure that constant GPS monitoring is only around the corner, hell it'll stop terrorism, dead.

At present, all the crap has been aimed at 2 wheels, the minority. Motorcyclists already have speed cameras especially for them (they don't trigger with cars).

I believe it's the divisional detail that does us no favours, we all need to get back together as 'road-users', etc., reclaim Society, regain the idea of Tolerance..... I'm ranting, sorry.

Worry not, Gordon's thought police will be at the door soon, I'll be silenced.

rf900rush - 25/1/10 at 09:22 PM

What we need is a massive solar flair, which screws everything electric up.
I think our technology is great, but in many case use for the wrong reasons.
It's not just speed cameras used for the wrong reasons.

And surley if the majority of us are over the speed limit, is'nt the speed limit too low.

Whats the point of a dual carrage way road set to 40, when 30 years ago it was 70 and cars were no ware as good as now.

ianclark1275 - 25/1/10 at 09:26 PM

i think they are supposed to increase capacity, as we drive closer together at 50mph and therefore extend time before making more roads.

however, turn on at 730 and off at 1800 when its actually needed.

then if you want to put your heavy boots on you still can.

loggyboy - 25/1/10 at 10:06 PM

Looks like my next car will have a polish registration then....

F***inh big brother society. Invest all the money from unproven 'safety' schemes in to renewable energy, scrap plans for future all non renewable energy production and will do alot better than 1.4 million tonnes, would be closer to 1.4 trillion.

I really do give up with government of any sort.

Simon - 25/1/10 at 10:29 PM

Memo to Civil Servants (specifically Gord and co)

The clue is in your job title -


You, are there to make my life easier.

Without me, there would be no state funding. Without you, we'd get along just fine.



Brook_lands - 25/1/10 at 10:37 PM

So you clock every car between fixed points, time, date etc. Why bother to use it to take £60 of the odd fools who exceed 70 when you can charge EVERYONE for distance travelled. Road pricing under the cover of eco think of the childern safety.

locobri - 26/1/10 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
SO, you've obviously NEVER experienced the Commercial drivers who for some reason seem to have a different idea of 50mph to what your speedo says and under-take you or drive THREE feet off your back end flashing you because you are NOT going fast enough for them.

Then maybe they are saying the left lane is empty let me past cos I want to go 50. The number of people I've been stuck behind using the righthand lane and doing less than the limit (trying to be their own judge and jury to what every else can do) can really P..s me off. And if they can undertake you then why are you in the outside lane???

[Edited on 26/1/10 by locobri]

locobri - 26/1/10 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Brook_lands
So you clock every car between fixed points, time, date etc. Why bother to use it to take £60 of the odd fools who exceed 70 when you can charge EVERYONE for distance travelled. Road pricing under the cover of eco think of the childern safety.

Yeah I've seen loads of kids playing on the MOTORWAYS!!!!!!