due to medical problem i have lost my driving license until september.so i need a trackday or airfield etc that i don't need to show my driving
license.ideally east anglia.any helpful ideas would be great.it's typical that you finish the car drive for one day and then go to hospital for a
fortnight,much better now but i need to drive the r1 fury
thanks andy
not aware of any who would do it, sorry to say think problem will be if deemed licence required to be temporarily suspended on medical grounds then wouldnt be ok to drive on track either
Obviously I don't know your circumstances, but I'd guess that your license has been revoked because of potential safety issues (either to
yourself or to others) when driving with whatever medical condition you have. That being the case, I'd question whether it's sensible
transferring those dangers to a track day!
[Edited on 1/3/10 by gingerprince]
none of the ones I instruct at will let you drive without producing a current license.
I've done two track days at Anglesey Circuit with Book a Track and I didn't need to show my licence.
Apparently some tracks are members of some kind of governing body and some aren’t, somewhere in the book a track notes it mentions something about
needing to show licence at certain circuits but not all
i should tell you all that i taken to hospital with a head ache,this turned out to be a brain haemorrhage.after surgery i had a very short fit(5
secs)this is why i have lost the license.i am back at work and have suffered no problems due to luck.i would not put anyone else to danger etc
hope all works out for you, I would check with the organiser before you book rather than hear say.