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scotland to northampton
redeye - 11/8/10 at 10:37 AM

Hi fellas

put my car through its first MOT last weds, the guys testing it was very fair.

So with the MOT sorted I drove the car from Lairg(sutherland) to inverness on friday then inverness to northampton on saturday.

my two mates followed me as we were all goin to silverstone on sunday anyway.

the car ran faultless, accept for the wing brackets broke before we reached perth so we whipped them off, new this was likely to happen as they're broken a few times now.

The weather stayed quite drymost of the trip apart from a torrential down pure near the lake district......I got very wet, but this didnt last long, pulled into the next services to dry off and change and was away again.

redeye - 11/8/10 at 10:39 AM

inverness to northampton
inverness to northampton

redeye - 11/8/10 at 10:50 AM

inverness to northampton 2
inverness to northampton 2

redeye - 11/8/10 at 10:50 AM

inverness to northampton 3
inverness to northampton 3

omega 24 v6 - 11/8/10 at 11:21 AM

Well done that man. Was it a bit tedious though??

redeye - 11/8/10 at 11:50 AM

Hi Gary

It wasnt too bad, had plenty of fuel stops and my mates were following me the whole way.

Also shared the driving with one of em too so that made it easier. was just glad the car performed so plenty of waves and nods on the journey......was good fun overall

stevec - 11/8/10 at 01:04 PM

Well done I bet that was fun.
I am coming up your way soon, if you see a fat bloke and his wife zig zagging up the Caladonian canal in a Canadian canoe its me.

Nick Davison - 11/8/10 at 04:20 PM

Well done, it feels great dosen't it. Good to see the photos of the trip too, that distance in a seven is quite an adventure particularly straight out of the box.

By the way I had the cycle wing brackets go on mine early on, now all braced up and working well.


redeye - 11/8/10 at 04:35 PM

cheers nick, Although its not quite straight out of the box, its been on the road 3 years now, was jus the first mot.

Im hoping to make some new ones similar to the westfeild brackets as they look pretty sturdy.

Hi steve, My folks still live up that way but im down in northampton now, ill tell them to look out for you tho, haha