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a few skills
brookie - 17/9/10 at 03:38 PM

loggyboy - 17/9/10 at 03:51 PM

Re Re Re REPOST....

bi22le - 17/9/10 at 05:37 PM

Dk shoes, I need some new shoes for the rear please.

Re post or not still impressive.

It does frustrate me when they say oh he did not know the route untill he entered during the filming. Well I did because you can see all the bl**dy skid marks where he has already practiced.

Do they think we are stupid!?!

Dangle_kt - 17/9/10 at 10:02 PM

he hits the wall on the way into the first banked turn, you see him whallop it pretty hard.

Id have thought they would have edited that out!

Good skills, but he rags thats car mercilessly and I dont like that personally - whats with recking the tyres and then the wheels too?

Tommy P - 18/9/10 at 07:05 AM

He hits a cone somewhere too, as you can see it fly past from the cockpit view - he's still pretty good though.