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There's some great events out there to do.....
greenwood03 - 14/4/11 at 08:53 AM

It's amazing how may great events and shows there are ( car related ) that sometimes pass by until its too late, a case of ' oh well next year'. By chance I happened upon the event below which i mentioned to some pals from SKCC and we duly took part.
The gist is: French Car Club arranges 1-2 Rallye's each year in the Pas De Calais Region, so nice and accessible from Calais.
For those that havent taken their 'kit' over there yet - if you drive the back roads you'll find great strecthes of empty inviting tarmac and a friendly welcome from the locals - they just love our quirky cars, stopping whatever they're doing to wave and acknowledge as we pass by. So add in another 120+ cars dating back to the 50's and its the beginning of a great recipe!

Details down here - you'll have to wait another year for the next Rallye Des Jonquilles, but if you can get yourself to Folkestone why not pop over for an 'awayday'. We're heading back early June for a drive and a bit of a WW1 Tour - just for the could jon us....

skcc french rallye

coozer - 14/4/11 at 09:55 AM

Yep, I was thinking a long the lines of getting a caravan, blocking the roads up going out every weekend.

Wor lass goes "where would we go?"

"Theres something on every weekend pet, lets do it!"

One thing I've noticed at Stoneleigh, Newark, Oulton etc is the caravans and campers that turn up just for the weekend. I reckon they wouldn't be there if they didn't have vans..

mookaloid - 14/4/11 at 10:42 AM

Originally posted by coozer
Yep, I was thinking a long the lines of getting a caravan, blocking the roads up going out every weekend.

Wor lass goes "where would we go?"

"Theres something on every weekend pet, lets do it!"

One thing I've noticed at Stoneleigh, Newark, Oulton etc is the caravans and campers that turn up just for the weekend. I reckon they wouldn't be there if they didn't have vans..

Get one Steve - you know you want to you already have an ideal tow car which you wouldn't need to sell

SeaBass - 14/4/11 at 01:40 PM

Looks spectacular. I love the cardboard under the cars on the cobbles.

greenwood03 - 14/4/11 at 02:21 PM

the ironic thing about the cardboard under the cars to catch any oil drips was that they ran around when we got there placing the cardboard and making sure every car had a piece - but after 170km's of dirving we turned up back at the square and the cardboard idea had been forgotten - given that a few of the older cars had been pushing it a bit surely that would have bene the time when there may have bene thge odd drop!

great event though. so glad that we happened upon it!