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What a glorious cold but clear morning!
AdrianH - 6/11/11 at 09:42 AM

Despite the 11 vehicle crash in the area on the M6 I need to get out in the car and have a tootle around !

Sun should be hitting the roads now and clearing the frost a bit and the fog should have cleared, so will head up probably through the Trough into Bentham and north either head for Hawes or if not too cold Hawkshead Cafe. Plenty of nice stopping places to take pictures.

To me these cars are not always about speed.


[Edited on 6-11-11 by AdrianH]

stevegough - 6/11/11 at 09:53 AM

What frost? Thinking of taking the missus out this afternoon for a bit of a run - might pass you somewhere in the same areas, although I don't think we'll go quite as far as hawkshead. Have a good, safe run Adrian.

welderman - 6/11/11 at 09:54 AM

Going to try and get out in mine too this aft. Hope to drag Tom along too

BigLee - 6/11/11 at 10:02 AM

The kettle will be on if you get chilly.

AdrianH - 6/11/11 at 10:09 AM

Tin top is still covered in frost at this end.

My route so far is

Then I decide, either Hawes, or if not cold

Kirby Longsdale
Kirby Stephen
Hawkhead Cafe
Motorway home.

I have to write it down like this or I get lost very easy, and have a road atlas as my navigation skill are crap.


Proby - 6/11/11 at 10:25 AM

Lucky boys getting out for a drive! Looks like I'm going to the mother in laws up in Cheshire (if I didn't have two kids to ferry I suppose I could have drove the F27 up there).

MkII - 6/11/11 at 10:26 AM

me an a couple of westys just setting off for lunch at hartside cafe might see some of you around .m.

welderman - 6/11/11 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by BigLee
The kettle will be on if you get chilly.

That engine not fixed yet lee

BigLee - 6/11/11 at 10:51 AM

Almost! Every time I get somewhere near, I either buy something new like an ECU, or do something stupid like drop the turbo breaking the turbine! Just plumbing it up now. Get over and add some encouragement!

Originally posted by welderman
Originally posted by BigLee
The kettle will be on if you get chilly.

That engine not fixed yet lee

eddie99 - 6/11/11 at 01:54 PM

Lucky people.... Was hoping for the first drive this weekend, damn DVLA

gingerprince - 6/11/11 at 02:49 PM

Would have definately been out today, had my engine been in one piece!

Saw an orange westfield out on my travels today, heading through Rodley 2-up.

blakep82 - 6/11/11 at 03:01 PM

its foggy outside. all the shipson the river have been blowing their fog horns all day

johnny chimpo - 6/11/11 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
its foggy outside. all the shipson the river have been blowing their fog horns all day

Not wrong there blake.... Its been foggy since I got up this morning and only just started to clear as it was getting dark.... put me right off my mood to go mountain biking so spent a day lounging about on tinterweb!

stevegough - 6/11/11 at 06:21 PM

Well, I went out with the (much) better half today, didn't set off until 1:30, so we went...

Great Eccleston

Here jumped on the motorway to get round the Lancaster congestion (no charge, the congestion is always free!)


Where we stopped and feasted on a mars bar. (Each!) Nice red ferrari 512 parking up when we did. (Probably an MR2 underneath!!).

Then heading for home directly into the setting sun - had to guess where the road was a couple of times!

Via A682 and A59

Passing through

Lovely weather, not a cloud to be seen - but pretty cold the last 20 mins as the sun had gone down.

All in all, a very nice afternoon out....... 110 miles.

AdrianH - 6/11/11 at 06:36 PM

Just back in some pictures to follow:


welderman - 6/11/11 at 06:52 PM

Tom and i dropped in on Lee for a nice posh cup of tea.
Very nice he was too , thanks Lee for the prezzie and i owe you one
Drive back was slow as Toms exhaust snapped at the silencer, thats a job for Tuesady for me.

stevegough - 6/11/11 at 07:01 PM

what's that plate doing under your mug, Joe?

welderman - 6/11/11 at 07:06 PM

i know, how posh is that


[Edited on 6/11/11 by welderman]

AdrianH - 6/11/11 at 08:42 PM

I can vouch for fog around Penrith, so I guess it was north from there.

The last two pictures are from Hartshead Cafe looking out towards Penrith and the north.

Headed back down the M6 only to be stuck in two hold-ups due to accidents southbound.

Was a good day.


Dam must make pictures bit smaller.

[Edited on 6-11-11 by AdrianH]

cerbera - 6/11/11 at 08:50 PM

I was out doing the usual route :/

Settle (Bacon Butty)
Devils Bridge (Ice cream )

There's some spectacular views there Adrian. I wish I'd joined you on that.
Maybe next time?

AdrianH - 6/11/11 at 08:53 PM

The last three.

I will get this correct yet!



[Edited on 6-11-11 by AdrianH]

stevegough - 7/11/11 at 07:36 AM

Superb pics Adrian - I took my camera, but by the time I got to Settle, it was starting to get dark, so didn't take any.

Never mind - here's one I 'prepared' earlier (july)

BigLee - 7/11/11 at 08:06 AM

In reality, all the proper mugs were dirty in the dishwasher. Although the way Joe held his cup with his little finger sticking out suggested this wasn't the first time he'd used a cup and saucer!

Originally posted by welderman
i know, how posh is that


[Edited on 6/11/11 by welderman]

welderman - 7/11/11 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by BigLee
In reality, all the proper mugs were dirty in the dishwasher. Although the way Joe held his cup with his little finger sticking out suggested this wasn't the first time he'd used a cup and saucer!
Originally posted by welderman
i know, how posh is that


[Edited on 6/11/11 by welderman]

I was brought up a proper lad, even put the toilet seat down