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Helmet Bag
Michael - 25/6/12 at 08:28 PM

Now I have my helmet, but yet to use it in the car (first time will be uxbridge show)

I will be needing a bag to carry it around when at shows or away from car. Has anyone had any good ones. I have looked at ebay, as can not realy find any on other websites, and would like one with a shoulder strap. Oxford does one but thast more just a holdall type handle.


blakep82 - 25/6/12 at 08:33 PM

where did you look?


[Edited on 25/6/12 by blakep82]

Coopz - 25/6/12 at 08:45 PM

I have this one, very happy with it! Although I bought mine from gpr at silverstone.

bi22le - 25/6/12 at 11:13 PM

I would not bother. When i use my bash hat and leave tge car all day i take a bike lock with me. Through the visor round the roll cage then under the tonneau. I do the same with the steering wheel.

Under the cover, out of sight and rain and secure.

Means i can eat a burger while having a beer at the shows then!!