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remote point and shoot digi cam
ryanill - 24/7/13 at 11:02 AM

hi all

can anyone suggest a fair priced digital camara with a remote controle for takeing pictures / start stop filming

so i can do this when my canra is fited to my roll bar during track days.

any help would be great


coozer - 24/7/13 at 11:12 AM

I'm just about otput my shoes and go get a Panasonic TZ40.. its dropped nearly a £100 in the last 4 weeks and you can control it via wireless with your mobile!

ryanill - 24/7/13 at 11:25 AM

after a quick google search i found a wide array of prices!

some are about 250 witch is still quite a bit for somthing thats going to be taken out on runs fetting bug splattered and stone chipped.

idealy im after a budget brand with a lesser price tag if such a thing is acctualy out there


RK - 24/7/13 at 12:49 PM

Although all the racers I know use Go Pro, my brother is a bit of a shutterbug, and recommended a Canon with a removable lens. I have opted for nothing.

RickRick - 24/7/13 at 04:44 PM

not quite what you asked for but very cheap

Cam Link

I've just got one, good quality videos, no remote control but it does have a motion detection mode, so could use that to start the cam when you get moving? the handle bar mount just fits a mnr rollbar too with the rubber removed, no idea what size that makes it.

records .mov files which is a pain but apparentl can be changed with a text file.
apparently the waterproof case is pants going to get it in the sink later and see what happens

stevebubs - 24/7/13 at 06:06 PM

Just bought SWMBO'd a Sony WX80 - can be controlled from your mobile, also.

ryanill - 25/7/13 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by stevebubs
Just bought SWMBO'd a Sony WX80 - can be controlled from your mobile, also.

found the soney for about 130 witch is a bit more pocket friendly
im absolutly rubbish with technology so explin to me how controling it off a phone will work ?
i have a iphone but will it still work from the phone if im out in the sticks where there is no mobile signal or internet ?
