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2 hr dive
billy - 26/11/04 at 09:55 PM

yehoooo me and mr g just been out for a night blast, fantastic fun on the road at last. stuff the cold you cant beat the fun driving it. the old 16v vauxhall is one hell of a power house engine

Fozzie - 26/11/04 at 11:52 PM

Aint it just the bestest feeling?????



Browser - 27/11/04 at 02:48 AM

Here was me expecting tales of Jacques Cousteau-like derring do (the tittle said DIVE after all).
All the same, sounds like a nice way to waste ones time, making me really get motivated to get mine built and on the road!

Mr G - 27/11/04 at 11:57 AM

Well it did involve helmets, some bends but no nitrogen i'm affraid
