Every time I go to a sprint and see these trundling around I want one, they may not be that fast but do look very enjoyable.
It must be the non existent brakes, wonderfully imprecise steering and lack of power I guess!
'Fast' is not the word - I was driving on the A140 to Norwich a month or so back, and there was an Austin 7 coming the opposite way... he
must have had 50 cars and 20 HGVs lined up behind him! Not the most popular car on the road - many tractors are faster these days!
Still like to own a decent Austin 7 though...
My 3.5 Ton high top Transhit (75 bhp) towing a race Shuttle across the country probably isn't as fast as that.... particularly in last weekends headwinds!
Originally posted by David Jenkins
'Fast' is not the word...
looking forward to seeing her at Boness
It has always been touch and go for this year but it looks (fingers crossed) it will make it. I have a sizable list to get through to make it reliable enough. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Alistair it was good to meet you at Bo'ness and great to see her going up the hill, she is a wee cracker
well done to you both
Well kudos to that man as seen on motors TVs tonight proof that you made if any was needed
Joking apart it was good to watch you on the day and to see it again tonight