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Did a very brave thing today
Nick Davison - 6/5/24 at 05:16 PM

Sunny day and car going well, so thought it would be a good idea to spread the love and let my wife have a go!!!

I really wanted her to experience the heavy clutch and different driving position plus what it is like to floor it.

I have to say I was THE most nervous passenger and worst back seat driver you could imagine. Clutch is bedded in now though!!

adithorp - 6/5/24 at 06:02 PM

You've got back seats?

jacko - 6/5/24 at 06:24 PM

When you are at work she will be out in to all day going down to the shops taking her friends to the pub
what have you gone and done

[Edited on 6/5/24 by jacko]

JoelP - 6/5/24 at 06:38 PM

Fortunately none of mine can stand the kit. Oldest son wants to burn it in fact...

nick205 - 6/5/24 at 08:36 PM

SWMBO wasn't insured on mine
Eldest son adored it and shed a tear when I sold it

Nick Davison - 6/5/24 at 10:23 PM

Good point about back seat 😁

Keys hidden, shed locked and I have given up work especially 😂😂

Slimy38 - 7/5/24 at 06:52 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
Fortunately none of mine can stand the kit. Oldest son wants to burn it in fact...

My family is the same, my wife's opinion in particular is 'how soon after IVA will you sell it?'.

My brother in law and my mum are probably the only people (apart from me) who wants to see it being used on the road.

adithorp - 7/5/24 at 08:35 AM

My partner l can go away in mine with my mates, on one condition...

She never has to come with us!

adithorp - 7/5/24 at 09:12 AM

You didn't tell us what she thought of it.

nick205 - 7/5/24 at 09:33 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
You didn't tell us what she thought of it.

The couple of times SWMBO ventured out as a passenger in mine (being driven carefully), she really didn't like it.

Noisy, windy, bumpy and way too close the ground!

bi22le - 7/5/24 at 11:22 AM

Such a shame. My wife fully supports the kit car as a hobby and fun thing. We went out for loads of day trips pre-kids. She would never drive it though, not confident and thats not her thing.

She is a passenger princess, never drives unless she has to.

JoelP - 7/5/24 at 11:54 AM

Too many people staring is what mine all say. I love that everyone you drive past is absolutely buzzing to see it. They hate the attention!

Nick Davison - 7/5/24 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
You didn't tell us what she thought of it.

I think she was quite scared of it really, mainly as it is so different from anything else she has driven before. Commented a lot about the throttle pedal position and very cautious with the quick rack. I think it's safe....

Nick Davison - 7/5/24 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
Such a shame. My wife fully supports the kit car as a hobby and fun thing. We went out for loads of day trips pre-kids. She would never drive it though, not confident and thats not her thing.

She is a passenger princess, never drives unless she has to.

Mine is exactly the same, supports it (and the expense - although I'm still lagging behind her shoe/bag/clothes habit!) and is happy to be driven - fast!