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Couple of Q's
oliwb - 17/1/06 at 03:19 PM

Ok firstly I'm gonna need to insure the CAT soon - my previous quote with Adrian Flux has run out I believe so.....anybody got any suggestions for cheapest insurance for a 19 yr old with no no-claims bonus looking for the best deal I can eg fully comp etc kept in garage or driveway over night in Aberdeen (AB31) - back and beyond!

Second question: last June a boy racer in a corsa crashed into me....basically I was towing a trailer with my mums car and was turning right with it into my driveway at about 10 at night....There was no one behind me about half a mile before I turned in...I was indicating right for 1/4 of a mile and slowed right down to walking I was turning in this guy decided to overtake....he must have been tanking (least 75 - 80) to catch up with me from when I last checked my mirror - indicating....anyway everyone was OK but both cars were a write-off....I had myu girlfriend with me but this guy was alone.....their were deffinately no witnesses and no one stopped or even passed in the time it took to move the cars off the road....we swapped insurance details and he (stupidly) decided to drive off to his girlfriends a couple of miles away apparently.....his car was clearly a write-off also! Anyway my question is has now turned up that he has found himself a winess! (believe me there was deffinately no one there!) Anyway she was behind us apparently, she said that I was doing 35 - 40 and swerved into him as he over the insurance companies are fighting it out but I just wanna pin this little b*stard for lying! Also she claims to have not known either of us prior to the accident so how did he find her?? Because like I said no one stopped and no one drove past! I have my girlfriend as a witness and also my two sisters were on the scene within 30 seconds! I've attached a pic of the damage to my car which wouldn't be consistent with the description and drawing she gave me.....Anyway just wondered if anyone has any hints for this or should I just have done with it and sue him for whip lash unless he claims liability! Cheers Oli.

oliwb - 17/1/06 at 03:30 PM

sorry don't seem to be able to post a pic for some reason??! Oli.

k33ts - 17/1/06 at 04:29 PM

your main thing going for you is the fact you were pulling into your drive

i had a similar accident a few years ago except it was the other way round i was overtaking a car stationery nrxt to the kerb with left indicator on .
when i was going by he started a u turn throwing me in the ditch at 60mph

the insurance company took his side as he said he was turning right with his indicator on and paid him out

its wasnt until the police prosecuted him for wreckless because there was no turning for him togo down that i got paid out

hope this helps

Jon Ison - 17/1/06 at 04:47 PM

its pants, too cut a long story short years ago on my way home from work a car pulled out in front of me, i hit the back 1/4, on advise from the drivers father they later said i was speeding so it was my fault, (she was 3rd party so would lose the car if it was;nt my fault) my insurance company where happy too pay "knock for knock" but i had legal cover and fought it on principle, i had protected no claims and £50 excess so had my insurance paid her out i would have been ok anyway.......

long story short it took an age too sort out, i think they will do anything for a quiet life from what ive experienced, when ever i contacted them and explained it was their money not mine i was trying too save them they was not interested.

Advice too all, get a camera in your car, phone maybe or throw away, could save you much grief later.

omega 24 v6 - 17/1/06 at 05:51 PM

The key word in all of your posts is whiplash and I hear you say why?

The police will only attend an accident if someone has been injured ( I know its a joke) So unless someones been injured or there are no witnesses then you'll probably get screwed over every time.

So you need to feign an injury in order to get the police there and take statements etc. Either faint or claim whiplash and DO NOT get out of the car. I know this is a waste of NHS resources, but your insurance company are wasting all the resources you've paid them.

You could have called the police at the time and had the guy charged with dangerous driving or the ilk as he was overtaking while you were indicating right(all your lights were working weren't they?)
He was also overtaking while either approaching a junction or in a built up area. They'd take a dim veiw of either of these.
Hindsights a great thing, I suppose you can only learn from your mishap. OH and you do know where he lives don't you.

Johnmor - 17/1/06 at 09:11 PM

I know this may sound a bit rightous but as a member of the emergency services, if you claimed a fake injury and stayed in the car, calling us out under under false pretences.
I would make a point of cutting the roof off, just to assist the situation of course.
"Wouldn,t want to make the injuy worse would we"

Stick to carrying a camera please.

omega 24 v6 - 17/1/06 at 09:42 PM


I would make a point of cutting the roof off, just to assist the situation of course.

Well i hope it only happens when i'm in the locost

Seriously though I was only trying to make the point that something needs to be done about car insurance companies not paying out when we've paid so much in. We're paying for a service that they're not supplying, especially if they can find the smallest loophole.

So I will now say that the best place to have an accidentthats not your fault is at high speed under a speed camera. There we go they make the roads safer and make sure that if it's not your fault you'll not lose your no claims. I knew they had a serious use

Johnmor - 17/1/06 at 11:00 PM

If you want to have an accident in front of a speed camera, then the main road from Aberdeen to Fraserburgh is the one to go for - more speed cameras than fence posts!

PS Wouldn't cut the roof off a work of art like a locost.

graememk - 17/1/06 at 11:31 PM

i had a lorry side swipe me last summer, lucky i had a camera took photos of area and sent them to my insurers then wrote a letter to my insurance and to his got my solicitor to sign it and to say i was telling the truth and if i wasnt paid out with in 30 days he would be taking there client to court, got a letter asking me to go 50/50 got solicitor to reply and got paid out with in the week.

a solicitors letter to the young lad might be enough to put the willies up him

oliwb - 18/1/06 at 12:24 PM

I don't want to have to involve solicitors other than the insurance company....thats why my parents are having to pay £750 a year to have me and my 3 sisters on the insurance....If we have to do it ourselves anyway then whats the point in the insurance! I think the whole thing has come about because he's uninsurable now...his insurance company was Saber I think and Norwich Union (my insurers) were like oh saber on the phone with me....think its one of those if you've crashed a car and your young type of places and now he's done it again there refusing to insure him! Might send some photos of where the accident happened to the insurers and see what happens....I just can't believe that some one would so blatently lie to their insurance company by making up a witness! Just pisses me off is all....Cheers for the suggestions though....Oli.