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reasons to wear a helmet on sunny days.
Moorron - 13/6/06 at 08:35 AM

ive only been driving my indy for a few months but i have started to drive it locally without wearing my helmet. I have to wear shades as i have only got a small screen.

But i found out a good reason to wear one at the w/e. Driving like a stole the car all day i went thru a section of road which had trees covering the road, i saw something fall (yes at stupid speeds, must have eyes like a hawk?!) it whacked me right on the conker giving me a nice nose bleed. lol.

i think it was part of a branch, but it sooned slowed me down a bit. (picture blood streeming past my cheeks and round my ears). lol

[Edited on 13/6/06 by Moorron]

David Jenkins - 13/6/06 at 08:51 AM

I admit to doing the same - just using shades for local journeys. Silly thing to do, as you're just as likely to get hit as on a long trip.

On one or two occasions - fortunately when wearing a helmet - I've jumped a mile as something has gone THWACK into my visor. I'm not sure if my shades would have stopped them, either.


James - 13/6/06 at 09:32 AM

Atleast get some of the shaded workshop goggles!

Foz and Stu have them I think... look like sunglasses but designed for high impact workshop velocity stuff.

People on here have lost teeth, had stones between the eyes and now a nose bleed. Someone soon is going to lose an eye.

Is it really worth not wearing protection?


tobymack - 13/6/06 at 09:53 AM

that reminds me of when I used to ride bikes. One hot summer day I was riding with my visor partly up (but with glasses) and a bumble bee hit me right on the bridge of my nose. Not only did it hurt like hell (split the skin) but I got the insides of a bee in both my eyes- going instantly blind at 60mph on a country round was not fun

So choose your goggles carefully if you want to be protected!

johnemms - 13/6/06 at 09:58 AM

Just been looking at the nose of my tin top.... amazing the amount of stone chip damage at about the hight of driving a locost......

Your tails of woe are duly noted !!

jos - 13/6/06 at 10:27 AM

Its all well and good advising people to only drive wearing helmets, but if youre like me, I actually prefer driving in only my wileys (clothed as well Mark BTW) and am prepared to take the risk of getting hit.

If anybody thinks I'm stupid driving without a helmet then I'd probably agree, its just my preference.

However, if i listened to what everybody had to say then I'd have a twin busa engined 300kg kitcar with full roll cage and side impact protectors, running on slick tyres with no other cars on the road. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Ive only ever clipped the curb twice in 10 years of driving and I'm not going to clip the curb in a car thats had a large number of my dad and my hours building.

Moorron - which stretch of road was this so I can stay away from it

David Jenkins - 13/6/06 at 10:34 AM

I must admit that I really enjoy driving around with shades instead of a helmet.

I just feel a bit worried when I hear gravel tinging off the roll bar just behind my head! Before I fitted the lid to my boot-space I used to collect 10 or more bits of road gravel in a 10-mile drive. They had to go past my head to get there...

I'll probably continue to do it, though...


jos - 13/6/06 at 10:35 AM

Yeah, totally agree, the little dings and clangs you hear are unnerving but compared to enjoyment - the enjoyment totally wins the day - Theres always the "What if" though

richijenkin - 13/6/06 at 11:11 AM

When people ask me why im wearing a helmet, I say get in and i'll show you. They start covering there face when we hit 80MPH.

trogdor - 13/6/06 at 11:25 AM

i have probs with gravel on the road recently, i only have access to a push bike at the mo, but cars has flown past on country roads flicking gravel at me, especially as one road has recently been chipped, everytime a car comes past i have to cover my eyes! have been hit a few times now, once on the top of my head that was quite painful!

gingerprince - 13/6/06 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by James
Atleast get some of the shaded workshop goggles!

I got some of these: -

Clicky Linky

Very handy!

Andy North - 13/6/06 at 11:54 AM

I always used to just wear the shaded safety glasses.

Now I am less worried about plod, it is a helmet for me!

Chazzy - 13/6/06 at 08:54 PM

isn't it reassuring that other people think like you do?
used to do the shades thing locally, but after too many little branches mubing off me now do a helmet if i'm going over 30, eg any further than the petrol station.
Chas, glasses are cool but stitches aren't.

Browser - 13/6/06 at 09:08 PM

You could always fit a windscreen & wind deflectors?

Moorron - 13/6/06 at 09:09 PM

jos, it was the road from brosley to bridgenorth, never been down it b4, but i knew it was a mistake when i saw the 20 mph signs due to resurfacing (graveling to me and u). i got safley thru one lot to only find another 2 stretches down the road. i was paying the cars behind me wouldnt over take or i would loose all my teeth.

peeps comming the other way must have thought i was shy or something, as every time they past me i held my hand in front of my face to try and limit the damage. Then when i got thru it all i get smacked on the nose by a branch lol.

millenniumtree - 15/6/06 at 01:57 AM

I took out a bird yesterday with my tin top.


Scared the poo out of me, and that was just on the windscreen. If that had hit me in the face I'd need reconstructive surgery. I'm gonna buy a helmet.

wanna be builder - 15/6/06 at 05:38 AM

^ thats prob what the bird thought as well

captain carruthers - 12/8/06 at 04:09 PM

bought my shiny helmet last week and took my indy out for a spin ( no windscreen ) what a difference!!!!

at last I can actually see where im drining after 60 mph ..makes for a much better drive a heaps more fun !!

Peteff - 12/8/06 at 04:42 PM

It's conker season now as well, one of them would make quite an impression

Simon - 15/8/06 at 11:05 PM

So would a pine cone

We had a squirrel lying in the road recently - that had fallen from a tree!

