Nice bit of driving, anyone on here?
Linky Thing
Wish I could drive half as good.
its just like my daily drive to work.
christopher evans... not the chris evans!
I like the way the crowd looks resolutely unimpressed when he finishes, I don't think he even got a clap! I thought it was amazing!
Very impressive driving!
I'm amazed at how quickly he can select reverse.
There should be a lot more of those types of driving events around the country. We could all learn a lot of driving skills doing those. Plus they
don't need a lot of room!
i dream of driving like that! its like an art form!
Iv seen that before. Excellent car control..
I think the trick is to lock the driven wheels so you can select reverse while the car is still moving forward.
Auto tests are a easy and cheap form of motorsport and an excuse to hoon your car round a car park without risk of damage. A google might bring up
information of a local club. My uni motorsport club run a few events a year.
very very good - makes me feel particularly unskilled behind the weel