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New Year Video
oliwb - 4/1/07 at 05:18 PM

Just uploaded a video I took of IainB driving the Tiger on new years day. Its on streetfire but the sound didn't seem to be working when I tried it so could someone else give it a go for me? By the way thats ice not water on the road! Oli.

pdw709 - 4/1/07 at 05:28 PM

Nice one Oli,

I just spend most of my time trying to work out which road that is!

My Striker desparately needs a tune, so once I take it down to Jim Haigh in Aberdeen for a service I will be raring to go!

oliwb - 4/1/07 at 05:30 PM

Phil I was at your house about 10 minutes before we took that! lol....stopped off to wish you a new year and touch base but you weren't in...oh well I'm uploading it again as an MP4 file rather than .mov hopefully the sound will fill in....I'll change the link once I've done it

Have you heard about the North east scotland meet??

paulf - 4/1/07 at 05:43 PM

The sound works if you switch to windows media player .

oliwb - 4/1/07 at 05:44 PM

Uploaded in MP4 sound now works but the quality is terrible! have to keep trying.....Oli.