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"I don't do fast"
02GF74 - 4/1/08 at 05:09 PM

Paul TigerB6 - 4/1/08 at 05:55 PM

Hoorah - the police and court did something I totally agree with 100% in getting her off the road. If someone is so unconfident that they have to drive so slowly then they shouldnt be allowed on the roads!!

Here's hoping they keep her off the roads when she sits her re-test!!!

r1_pete - 4/1/08 at 06:03 PM

Too right, its a shame she suffers from MS, but the risk to others on the road is intollerable. Action should be stepped up to the 60mph middle lane morons.

graememk - 4/1/08 at 06:25 PM

i think motorway lanes should be marked with speed limits
left lane 50 middle lane 60 fast lane 70 and on 4 lane motorways 4th lane 80

zilspeed - 4/1/08 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by graememk
i think motorway lanes should be marked with speed limits
left lane 50 middle lane 60 fast lane 70 and on 4 lane motorways 4th lane 80

No no no no no.....

4th lane

As Juha would say

Mole - 4/1/08 at 06:47 PM

I'm a little surprised it says it happended in Bristol. I'm sure I must follow her to work most mornings.

roadrunner - 4/1/08 at 07:01 PM

First lane should be 70, second 80 and third 99.99999.

bonzoronnie - 4/1/08 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Hoorah - the police and court did something I totally agree with 100% in getting her off the road. If someone is so unconfident that they have to drive so slowly then they shouldnt be allowed on the roads!!

Here's hoping they keep her off the roads when she sits her re-test!!!


A motorway trip to buy an inkjet cartridge. Honestly


focijohn - 4/1/08 at 08:06 PM

Speaking of incompetence on the roads, does anyone agree with what the government / DVLA or who ever makes up these rules understand and care to explain to me why they think that putting up the driving age to 18 will do anything. Personally i'm 19 and drive quicker now than ever before, saying that not dangerously.
Passing a L plate test means that u can interact with other traffic to a minimum standard set out by who ever. IMHO i don't think that this is the answer but mearly moving the problem further on and i feel that the new drivers now should be educated more so than they are being. I've done a skid pan course at castle combe and although its not recognized by many ppl the amount of time that i have managed to get my self out of sticky situations by what i learnt on that course doesnt bare thinking about, but in turn this could mean that the morons that make our roads dangerous will be unskillfully driving around trying to under-steer over-steer and all kinds of steer on the public roads or car parks, afterall;
You start out with 2 bags. A bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before the bag of luck runs out???

Confuzzles me and annoys

[Edited on 4/1/08 by focijohn]

Litemoth - 4/1/08 at 08:11 PM

I think you're being a bit harsh here guys. I watched the interview and it looks like she was driving at 10mph in the process of panicing. It's not like she could have stopped and walked to a phone.
She's had a clean license for 30 years and she has disabling Multiple Sclerosis.
If we can't accomodate the old girl's odd mistake without her getting a pummeling then it's a sad old state of affairs.
We're all great drivers, right?
Nice of the state to give here a screwing in court too. They'll do the same for you of course.
I have more of a problem with people who haven't a clue how to use slip-roads and can't get out of the overtaking lanes once they've finished overtaking.

bonzoronnie - 4/1/08 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Litemoth
I think you're being a bit harsh here guys. I watched the interview and it looks like she was driving at 10mph in the process of panicing. It's not like she could have stopped and walked to a phone.
She's had a clean license for 30 years and she has disabling Multiple Sclerosis.
If we can't accomodate the old girl's odd mistake without her getting a pummeling then it's a sad old state of affairs.
We're all great drivers, right?
Nice of the state to give here a screwing in court too. They'll do the same for you of course.
I have more of a problem with people who haven't a clue how to use slip-roads and can't get out of the overtaking lanes once they've finished overtaking.

1: The sign in the rear window was probably the reason why she was convicted of an offence.

2: The motorway networks have emergency phones. In hindsight it would have been wise to use one to inform the police that she was having a panic attack.

3: She was being treated by he GP for pannic attacks whilst driving.
Had she been advised to stop driving ??.
Had DVLA been told of pannic attacks whilst driving ??

Harsh treatment. Yes

Fair trial. Yes

If a muti vehicle accident had occured, people will cry, why was that allowed to happen.


Hellfire - 4/1/08 at 10:59 PM

I kind of agree with Litemoth and a few other commentators....

She took a wrong turning... she was at the least going the right way down the carraigeway and 'almost' on the hard shoulder - possibly trying to avoid being involved/creating an accident.

If she was being treated 'medicinally' for panic attacks - she shouldn't have been driving.

However, how many of us have been involved in accidents which were caused by yourself? I know I have - I then took Advanced Drivers Test and feel I am a much safer reader of the road because of it - certainly concentrates the mind. It doesn't necessarily make you an improved steerer of the wheel though. Altogether it makes you a better driver.

So - what should happen to those of us who are known and proven bad drivers - afterall there are no such things as accidents as it is always someones fault.

IMO - people should be forced to re-sit a streamlined driving test every 6-8 years, if you fail; lessons. At 65 re-sit the full test (maximum 1 fail) otherwise you're off the road.

Oh and another thing - 0.5 or 0 (zero)g/litre alcohol in the blood like in most other European Countries.


Avoneer - 6/1/08 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Litemoth
I have more of a problem with people who haven't a clue how to use slip-roads and can't get out of the overtaking lanes once they've finished overtaking.

That's my only bug bear too and I flash folk out of the way. It p's me off no end.
