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Black MK heading S'th on Narb Rd Leic??
skidude88 - 1/7/08 at 11:29 AM

Spotted yesterday afternoon approx 18:00

Anyone on here?

MikeR - 1/7/08 at 11:56 AM

sure it was a MK? NSDEV has a stuart taylor and is from close to that area.

skidude88 - 1/7/08 at 01:15 PM

The BIG 'MK' Letters on the front Grill where the give away!

skidude88 - 1/7/08 at 01:15 PM

NAh! - The BIG 'MK' Letters on the front Grill where the give away!

Hellfire - 1/7/08 at 06:53 PM

Could have been the same one I saw heading East on the A634 earlier that day. Looked like it may have been to MK Sportcars. Was it two up and both of them wearing sunglasses?
