Video from Curborough this Wednesday: -
Thanks to Carl (andrews_45) for organising it.
Thank you for posting the video, I really enjoyed watching and it took me back ten years when I competed there regularly. They say it is a technical
cicuit and they are right. The left hander after the start line needs alot of commitment particularly taking into account the ditch on the outside
with vertical banks lined by railway sleepers. On the two lap event the hairpin right after the finish line is blind being masked from view by a
slight rise in the road. If you leave your braking until you can see it the cause is lost.
I don't want to appear patronising but you drove the circuit really well and from my rough timing, from memory, you could well have been in the
results if that had been an event. Don't worry about the spin, that's what test days are all about.
That left hander is a little daunting - quick and on the power, so no recovery if it goes wrong!
Got no times to compare it to, but good to be told I'm in the right direction from someone who's been there
Cheers, Sy