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Noth East Meet
Johnmor - 21/5/07 at 08:22 AM

Glad to hear the paint ball was a sucess with no real injury, apart from pride!

There was some talk a while ago of a few people going to the Banchory/Crathes Vintage Car & Motorcycle Rally .

It on this Sunday, 27th

The forcast is good and I was going along for a look anyway, anyone else interested?

pdw709 - 21/5/07 at 08:48 AM

Its about time we had a meet (not withstanding the recent paintballing session). If not at Crathes we could always try Stonehaven again........


Baldrick - 22/5/07 at 02:32 PM

Emerging from self imposed exile...

Fancy a run out - hope the weather is good. Whereabouts is it being held? Crathes Castle?