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R1 2006 Cooling Arangment
andrew_s - 28/4/10 at 02:19 PM

I have been reading this forum on and off for the past 2 years and am now in the process of fitting a 2006 R1 in to a Vortx.

I have done a detailed plan of the cooling system to avoid cooking it, it can be found here, hopefully it will open, I have also added it in the attachments or link

I would welcome any comments on my design, i have used info i have found on here, the r1 manual, and my own input.

Also as its a 2006 R1 do I need to modify the breather system – just read that’s required for the 2008 ?

My first post – be gentle people, I welcome your feedback

Coopz - 28/4/10 at 03:09 PM

Hello mate welcome,

I'm using an 06 R1 in my MK

This is how I set mine up:

The bottom Hose connects to the water pump and the bottom of the header tank Via a T-piece

The top hose connect to the thermostat and Oil cooler Via A T piece

The small hose connect to the top of the Header tank and Thermostat via a T piece

Have a look at corradoVR6 photo archive he did some detailed diagrams for me.

Looking at other parts of the 06 I have baffled the sump, stiffer clutch springs and Oil breather mod recommended and done by andy bates top job too.

Hope that helps a little.

andy o - 28/4/10 at 06:11 PM

mine is same as that . had no problem with it so far

andrew_s - 28/4/10 at 07:13 PM

thanks for that, so that pretty much mirrors my plan. Does anyone have more info about the crankcase / ais mod ? I would like to do this, done some searching on the forum but not found anything specific. going to stonleigh on the weekend so hope to see some there. couldnt find vr6corrado either, so if you have a link that would be great :-)

Coopz - 28/4/10 at 07:42 PM

I have had the breather mod done, the AIS is removed and blanked off I think there is some fancy graves blanking plates availiable. AB made some for me... A hole is drilled into the cam case in the middle of the coils, adapter is fitted with little baffle underneath it then a fancy dash ten swivel on to some braided hose into a oil catch tank with breather and out the bottom another dash ten circulating back into the breather. I could try get some pics over the weekend if you like. Best talk to ab performance I probably missed loads andy can supply it as a whole kit.

Hope greg doesn't mind me nicking his pics but they are very helpful.

Andy B - 28/4/10 at 07:45 PM

We fit an additional breather to the cars using 04 R1 onwards. Mainly because most of our kit is track /race orientated.
Having watch 3 expire in close succesion we realised that they were breathing all their oil out - then going pop. I think the main cause of this is due to the wide open throttle percentages used in car application.
The mod is straight forward -
give me a bell on 01449 736633 if you need more details but it basically involves adding a port to the cam cover and plumbing it into a common catch tank with the oem breather

adithorp - 28/4/10 at 07:50 PM

My cooling sytem is asyour picture except the bottom conector on the expansion bottle goes to my top hose. That is only because it was it was an easier run. Your way is arguably better.

The unknown pipe (N?) looks like the one that goes to the crankcase breather.

The breather mods are only really needed if you intend to track the car. Otherwise just fit a baffle plate. The whole mod' is difficult to explain but covered in several threads on here; Do a search. If you're going to Stoneleigh I'd be happy to show you my mod'.


andrew_s - 29/4/10 at 08:05 AM

Thanks for the replies guys. Thanks to coopz for the links, and details, and Adrian for the confirmation, hope to find you at Stonleigh on the weekend, must bring my camera ! I will give you a call Andy once I have got it running which I hope to be this weekend, although I suspect it might take a bit longer, I still have lots to do it seems, and as I will be tracking this car, it will be worth doing the mod. Cheers, Andrew.

kjouk - 29/4/10 at 07:14 PM

Have a look at this thread for breathing mods,

Brommers - 29/4/10 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by andrew_s
I have been reading this forum on and off for the past 2 years and am now in the process of fitting a 2006 R1 in to a Vortx.

I have done a detailed plan of the cooling system to avoid cooking it, it can be found here, hopefully it will open, I have also added it in the attachments or link

I would welcome any comments on my design, i have used info i have found on here, the r1 manual, and my own input.

Looks good to me. Mine's similar, albeit not quite the same as I don't have a bleed output on my radiator. Looks like it should work to me though.

Originally posted by andrew_s
Also as its a 2006 R1 do I need to modify the breather system – just read that’s required for the 2008 ?

My first post – be gentle people, I welcome your feedback

Ideally, yes, and definitely if you're using it on track. Details of how I did mine are half way down this page.

andrew_s - 5/5/10 at 11:42 AM

thanks again for the replies.

Having looked at this thred, with the pics it all makes sense

however would you connect the bottom of the catch tank to the gearbox breather union so that the oil drains back ? seems its worth having the catch tank open to atmosphere as well so hat it can breath, via a small K&N ?

adithorp - 5/5/10 at 07:44 PM

I've done the mods, using the AIS housings as breathers on the cam cover feeding these to a T piece, one side of which goes to the gearbox breather and the other to the catch tank. The catch tank then breaths back to the air-box. I have gauze in the AIS housings and in the pipe to the air-box to condense oil on and drain back.
Since doing the mods, I only get condensation in the catch tank (ally drink bottle from camping shop) and that only if the car's doing short runs. No oil even on track.
