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AB Performance thank you
Andy B - 5/9/11 at 01:20 AM

Just a few lines to say thanks to all for their support and backing with the Dragons Den programme. I have built this business up over the last 8 years and in doing so I have had the pleasure of working with many of you. Without a doubt it was one of the hardest things I have done and that includes over 20 years in the Fire Service.
For me I have been lucky enough to do two jobs that I love and have met some cracking people in doing so, in these hard times it is never easy to run a small business but I am convinced that if you keep plugging away at it, you will get there in the end.
The next few days will be a little mad so please bear with us as we get back to normal, but I can assure you all that the underlying ethos will not change, our customers will still be the most important thing and I look forward to working with you all in the future.
Peter Jones input over the next few months will be invaluable and should drive us to bigger and better things so watch this space, in the meantime I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support over the years, in addition I would also like to thank my long suffering partner Shay without whose support none of this would have happened.
My thanks once again
Best regards

jeffw - 5/9/11 at 03:48 AM

Well done on the program, you presented yourself and the company very well. Good luck with the future.

russbost - 5/9/11 at 06:25 AM

Andy, didn't see the programme, but can only imagine what a fantastic opportunity that must be - certainly sounds as though things must have gone well for you anyway! well done - look forward to hearing about what comes next!!

welderman - 5/9/11 at 06:25 AM

No worries Andy. Good job. Good work. Good luck.
ps. You scrub up well lol

swanny - 5/9/11 at 06:26 AM

a really impressive performance, well done.
cant wait to see that the future holds for you. all the best


noc231073 - 5/9/11 at 07:42 AM

Well done andy ....
With the customer service that you provide youll always do well
Best of luck ...

Daddylonglegs - 5/9/11 at 07:44 AM

Likewise, I didn't see the program, but wish you all the best for the future.

My oldest son is always trying to get me to start up a father-and-son business but I reckon I might have left it a bit late in life!

It's also good that your other half is so understanding, sometimes things can get a bit much for them but their support matters more than most.

Good luck with your ventures

adithorp - 5/9/11 at 07:59 AM

Very impressive performance, Andy. You did look a bit surprised to get two offers though! All the best for the future.


scudderfish - 5/9/11 at 08:15 AM

For those who missed it (including me)

redeye - 5/9/11 at 08:35 AM

Well done Andy

Ive been watching dragons den for a few years and that presentation was up there with the best of em.



Myke 2463 - 5/9/11 at 09:01 AM

Possibly one of the most professional pitches ever seen on the den, you had all the numbers, honesty about your limitations and the answer without any bull5h1t, and the fact that a 2mt person can fit in the car means that one size fits all. excellent performance and best of luck.

edsco - 5/9/11 at 09:40 AM

Well done Andy B! Extremely envious of you now. I hope all your hopes and aspirations for the business come to fruition. Like you mentioned in your post, stick at it and it will happen. I do have to say when dealing with you (AB Performance) customer service is always excellent as i am sure many others would agree and will set the business in good stead.

Like i said at Silverstone (RGB), until i get a bigger garage however, i just don't think a Sabre will fit!

All the best for the future.


wylliezx9r - 5/9/11 at 09:51 AM

Well done Andy and best of luck. I remember numerous phone calls to yourself when I first started building my car and you had all the time in the world for me, although most of the time I wasn't even buying anything.

fesycresy - 5/9/11 at 10:10 AM

Fair play, you came across as class.

I wonder what ideas Peter Jones has?

TimC - 5/9/11 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by fesycresy
I wonder what ideas Peter Jones has?

On the Red Button coverage, I think he mentioned a utility vehicle. I didn't grasp this immediately and thought he'd said utilities vehicle. I had visions of an AB Performance Road Sweeper or Bin Lorry.

andrew_s - 5/9/11 at 11:19 AM

Well done Andy, you presented yourself excellently, and Louise and I wish you the best of luck, all the best for the future

Davg - 5/9/11 at 11:20 AM

Welll done Andy. Good pitch & result all the best. Cheers D

wee beastie - 5/9/11 at 12:10 PM

Well done Andy, great pitch, and a great result with Peter Jones' offer.

Fellow Global owners Ed Ives & Keith O'Brien have recommended your talents to me, so I'll be in touch about my engine over the winter

Tris - 5/9/11 at 01:03 PM


an AB Performance Road Sweeper or Bin Lorry

Now a BEC powered Road Sweeper ive got to see - 15,000 rpm moving at 5mph

jossey - 5/9/11 at 01:22 PM

100% well done on dragons den as many have said. I have been a presenter at exhibitions for many years and I have seen some good presenters and sales people and many are no where near as good as you handled yourself on the show.

I Hope the new venture works very well for you.

I sincerely believe you have an amazing product and you was the reason I went bike engine on my Locost.

Good luck.

blueskate - 5/9/11 at 04:16 PM

A well polished pitch, well done. I didn't recognise u without your overalls for a minute there!

BigMac - 5/9/11 at 05:48 PM

Cracking pitch! Well done Andy!

Agriv8 - 6/9/11 at 06:56 AM

Well done Andy wathched last night good pitch and no Bullsh1t and Honest

Making the car big enough for Peter to get in swayed it I recon .

though must admit I missed you while fast forwarding through as I was lookingfor the half smoked roll up

Wishing you the best


probablyleon - 6/9/11 at 08:37 AM

I second what pretty much everybody else has already said. Over the past couple of years your no bull***t approach and deep understanding of building and running BECs has been greatly appreciated. All too often the wrong people get the breaks, it's nice to see a little justice come around.

Now... how about that green Fury that's cluttering up your workshop ;o)

andyfiggy2002 - 6/9/11 at 04:44 PM

hey remember to keep all us BEC guys informed as to how this joint venture progresses with PJ

hobbsy - 6/9/11 at 04:52 PM

Now I know what all the "filming with the BBC" business that you mentioned was about

Good luck Andy as others have said you came across very well and if nothing else what a load of publicity!

jase380 - 6/9/11 at 06:13 PM

Well done Andy, just watched the programme on i player, i spoke to you a couple of times about a 08 blade engine i was trying to shoe horn into my indy, your advice was invaluable, good luck for the future.

gallons perminute - 6/9/11 at 08:39 PM

Well done Andy.

When I left the fire service in 1995 I decided to turn my hobby into my business. I had already built some racing cars so for my seventh design I came up with this.

The idea was to put it into production and my "Peter Jones" brought lots to the company. Sadly I could not be bothered with the hassle of business and decided to stop after a few years . I returned to a hassle free life "playing" cars and I am lucky that my benefactor is still on board and we have a collection of cars that I have built.

My last build, a Pinto powered Sports 2000 that I raced last year, is still based on my 1995 design and did enough to see the rules being re-written for 2012 to get rid of it.

Good luck for the future and remember, stay honest and have fun.

ChrisGamlin - 6/9/11 at 09:48 PM

Hi Andy

Just popped back on to say well done on winning over the Dragons, I didnt know it was on until Rhodri mentioned it yesterday afternoon so I caught it on Iplayer last night. As others have said, a very polished presentation, well done and all the best for the future plans


Spaz - 7/9/11 at 01:56 AM

Andy, I have only emailed you, and could tell you are a stand up man. Sounds like big things are coming to you. Any thing I can help you in the states let me know. Congradulations.

FASTdan - 7/9/11 at 06:56 AM

Congrats on the investment - loved the pitch, very well presented indeed. And the car looked awesome

TimC - 7/9/11 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by ChrisGamlin

Bloody hell. The legend lives!

ChrisGamlin - 8/9/11 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Originally posted by ChrisGamlin

Bloody hell. The legend lives!

LOL, Andy's the legend in these parts but thanks Tim

Not long after I sold my car about 2.5 years back my forum password stopped working (I think due to a database hiccup/change?), and because I'd deleted my e-mail address from my profile to stop the mail harvesters, I couldnt reset it using the automated system. A couple of emails to Chris at the time didn't get a reply and never got round to chasing it up again. When Andy was on Dragons Den I suspected there would be a thread on here so it jolted me into action to email Chris again and now all sorted, so you might see me on here occasionally once again, sadly without a car but still a few bits in the garage I might dig out and sell.


[Edited on 8/9/11 by ChrisGamlin]

McLannahan - 8/9/11 at 05:02 PM

Indeed, welcome back Chris!

Originally posted by ChrisGamlin
Originally posted by TimC
Originally posted by ChrisGamlin

Bloody hell. The legend lives!

LOL, Andy's the legend in these parts but thanks Tim

Not long after I sold my car about 2.5 years back my forum password stopped working (I think due to a database hiccup/change?), and because I'd deleted my e-mail address from my profile to stop the mail harvesters, I couldnt reset it using the automated system. A couple of emails to Chris at the time didn't get a reply and never got round to chasing it up again. When Andy was on Dragons Den I suspected there would be a thread on here so it jolted me into action to email Chris again and now all sorted, so you might see me on here occasionally once again, sadly without a car but still a few bits in the garage I might dig out and sell.


[Edited on 8/9/11 by ChrisGamlin]

chrisxr2 - 8/9/11 at 06:03 PM

i thought you came across very well. You also looked like you were cacking yourself.

skidude88 - 9/9/11 at 11:58 AM

Another Dragon's Den Episode