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How did we let this one slip by?
Alan B - 31/10/08 at 11:57 AM

Or if someone knew why didn't you tell us....

Personally I think it looks pretty good....certainly has a similarity to Ken Okuyama's K07....but overall I like it..

Nice job guys.

[Edited on 31/10/08 by Alan B]

donut - 31/10/08 at 11:59 AM

I was going to put a post up about this car a few weeks ago. very very nice!

Mr Whippy - 31/10/08 at 12:04 PM

Looks too similar to be a coincidence really

chrsgrain - 31/10/08 at 12:04 PM


mistergrumpy - 31/10/08 at 12:07 PM

Nah. I've seen a few pictures of that and I still don't like it. Looks like a pertially blind shark from the front and the bare wheels look out of place.
Maybe if the rear wheels were covered summat like a 7 then it may appeal more. very nearlt there though.

cryoman1965 - 31/10/08 at 02:16 PM

Nice looking rear engined car. Better than their Atom copy. Was hoping for a look at a completed car @ Exeter. Unfortunatly the completed car is going to the NEC that weekend.


rb968 - 31/10/08 at 03:58 PM

I like the look of it, bit different but then saw the chassis photo and wasn't so sure.

Confused but excited. - 31/10/08 at 05:11 PM

Well I don't like the look of it, it looks like a boat on wheels and now that I've seen the chassis, it's a definate no-no.

ceebmoj - 31/10/08 at 06:16 PM

looks a bit like a sub 3 but with 4 wheels and wider


FUORISERIE - 20/11/08 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by rb968
I like the look of it, bit different but then saw the chassis photo and wasn't so sure.

Whats wrong with the chassis ?

rb968 - 21/11/08 at 10:50 PM

Just my opinion but I thought it looked very simplistic and basic. Maybe they have spent a long time developing it and it handles like a dream just doesn't look like it.
