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Which U-Trim for cycle wings?
John.Taylor - 19/2/09 at 04:22 PM

To meet SVA regs for cycle wing edges, do I need the 10mm long with 1.5mm internal gap or the 17mm long with 2.0mm internal gap from Woolies/CBS?

Also, to make sure I buy enough, where else is it useful, e.g. cycle wing stay edges, top seatbelt mounting edge - anywhere else?

philhoward - 19/2/09 at 05:19 PM

Also try Seals + Direct at Rubber Linky

twybrow - 19/2/09 at 07:04 PM

As I understand the SVA manual, it would need a 2.5mm radius (the edge of an FRP panel), hence the smallest one (10mm) is the u-trim I went for (not yet SVAd).