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drum brake question!
mongrelwestie - 9/11/08 at 07:26 PM

why is it whenever you fit new shoes or just take the old ones out fr a bit, you can never get the bloody drum back on and when you do it barely turns!
RS2000 live axle ones in case you can help

twybrow - 9/11/08 at 07:33 PM

Grind off the ridge that will be worn in the edge of the drum - that will help get 'em on.

mongrelwestie - 9/11/08 at 07:37 PM

cheers, i can get them on but there just very tight once on

DIY Si - 9/11/08 at 07:44 PM

Are the adjusters wound all the way out?

mongrelwestie - 9/11/08 at 07:45 PM

you mean the little spindle wheel, yes?

rusty nuts - 9/11/08 at 07:50 PM

Is the handbrake adjuster backed off? Is the self adjuster mechanism free and backed off? Is the handbrake linkage in the drum free? Is the wheel cylinder siezed? Is the master cylinder push rod over adjusted? Is the drum distorted, especially if you clouted it with a hammer on the outer edge to remove it? Just a few items to be going on with.

mongrelwestie - 9/11/08 at 07:57 PM

its not connected to anything! all new parts? i think its just a bastard