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Installing air conditioning
Tilo - 13/2/11 at 06:36 PM


This may seem very stupid for many of you but the truth is where i live in the summer gets really hot and although the idea is to build a lightweight sports roadster the truth is air conditioning is indispensable in that time of the year... So, along with a hard or soft top of course, my idea was to get a heater box from a VW Polo with AC and an electric compressor so it wont take too much power from the engine when running...
Anyone has any advice on this?


[Edited on 13/2/11 by Tilo]

[Edited on 13/2/11 by Tilo]

pewe - 13/2/11 at 06:59 PM

I'd take a look at Car Builder solutions They sell a retro fit Aircon kit which should give you some idea of the items you'll require.
There's also an Installation Guide.
I'd be interested to now how you get on as I've an idea to fit it in a future project.
Cheers, Pewe