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Weller wheel wobble after powder coating?
rich201283 - 17/4/12 at 08:07 AM

I have powder coated my weller wheels but when i have fitted them there seems to be wheel wobble.

I think this maybe due to the thickness of the powder coating where the wheel meets the hub, Should i remove the coating from the back of the wheel where it meets the hub?

Pdlewis - 17/4/12 at 08:17 AM

have you had them balanced again since the powder coat? as their is a fair chance the coat will have taken the wheel off balance

maccmike - 17/4/12 at 09:44 AM

need balancing

loggyboy - 17/4/12 at 09:52 AM

I would defo remove the paint from the mounting face first.

I would assume they were balanced after refiting tyres, so unless they have thrown a weight off.

The only other thing would have been deformation when being baked, but thats highly unlikely.

bi22le - 17/4/12 at 04:37 PM

It sounds like the 'wobble' when tight but not moving otherwise you wold of said they were unbalanced or vibrating. If so I had exactly the same problem. . .

I noticed on one of my wheel sets that the silver coating did not allow the hub centre to go through the middle hole of the wheel. I think it just gives the studs extra support and helps it centre the wheel. You know the big hole surrounded by the whell nut holes. I just shaved the coating off back to ali and it was fine.

The bit I am talking about is the black part of the wheel in my avatar.



britishtrident - 17/4/12 at 05:36 PM

The wheels need proper balancing.

Slimy38 - 17/4/12 at 05:49 PM

You need to skim the back of the wheel where it meets the hub, powder coat simply isn't flat enough to have as a mating surface.

I'd also recommend removing the powdercoat where the head of the wheel bolts/nuts sit, I've heard some horror stories about a supposedly torqued wheel bolt not staying in place because of the powdercoat.

You also need them balancing, you can't powder coat with a tyre on (the tyre would cook) and unless they put the tyre back on perfectly as it was it's going to be off balance.