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floor mounted accelerator idea for approval
rumplitter - 23/6/08 at 04:08 PM

floor mounted accelerator idea for approval?

what do you think?

pivot at floor

accelerator at side front, return spring to rear Rescued attachment accelerator pedal detail.jpg
Rescued attachment accelerator pedal detail.jpg

clairetoo - 23/6/08 at 04:16 PM

Only possible problem I can see is that would be a 1 to 1 `ratio` ?

nasty-bob - 23/6/08 at 04:21 PM

Howabout this.. Rescued attachment ALLY TP 2.JPG
Rescued attachment ALLY TP 2.JPG

Paul TigerB6 - 23/6/08 at 05:11 PM

Doesnt it really need to pull the cable rather than push??

nasty-bob - 23/6/08 at 06:34 PM

his engine is in the back I believe, so will have the cable pointing backwards, up the side of the driver.


Ian D - 23/6/08 at 07:12 PM

Try this. Rescued attachment DSC_0727.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC_0727.JPG

paulf - 24/6/08 at 03:48 PM

I find that the top hung pedal gives a better feel for the throttle pedal.The brake pedal is ok floor mounted as it has little travel, but accelerator and clutch feel more natural when top hung.