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seat belt/harness mout positioning
Blue Fox - 22/8/08 at 08:01 PM

Been looking at my seatbelt mounts today. I dont really want to fit them at the very back of the chassis against the rear bulk head as they will be a long way back from the seat so am thinking of putting them on the upright which the bars to the rear axle attach which is a bit further forward on one side, and one of the uprights on the tunnel on the other side. However the upright on the tunnel side is further forward than the one on the outside of the car, I'm going to make them a triangle shape as its the strongest, So can I fit the one to the outside of the car with the hypotinuse (probably spelt wrong) facing the front of the car and the one on the tunnel the other way round so the hypotunes faces backward. This will mean the outside one is welded to the back of the car and the floor and the tunnel one is welded on the floor and towards the front of the car. I can't see any problem but wanted to check mr SAV(IVA) will be happy.

[Edited on 22/8/08 by Blue Fox]