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Cheap Accounting software
jimgiblett - 2/2/07 at 12:31 PM

I am treasurer for my local Scout group and trying to find a cheap double entry accounts package.

Can anyone recommend

Cheers and TIA


David Jenkins - 2/2/07 at 12:35 PM

I can strongly recommend a free one - GnuCash - but only if you use Linux or Mac. The don't do a Windows one (yet) but there are a lot of people trying to compile it, with some success. The Windows one is not stable enough yet.


[Edited on 2/2/07 by David Jenkins]

pajsh - 2/2/07 at 01:56 PM

I used to use Sage Instant Accounts as treasurer of a local church and it was fine for me. I used the full blown Sage at work so it was just like a stripped down version.

Was about £30-40.

Quicken was also a popular one at the time.

Guess there will be shareware ones out there too if you want to be really locost.

MG David - 2/2/07 at 01:57 PM

Do you need full double entry? Many people would just use a analysed cash book, often done in excel rather than in a book as such.

None of the small charities (below charity audit limit) I deal with use proper double entry software.

The cheapest proper double entry system I am familiar with is IRIS Bookkeeping which starts at £160 + VAT. You can download an evaluation copy from their website.

It includes purchase ledger, sales ledger etc. In your case you probably only want the nominal ledger. So you are paying for features you do not need.

My Chartered Accountants practice is an IRIS reseller so I may be able to shave the price a little for you as its for Scouts. However, I do think it is over kill.


jimgiblett - 2/2/07 at 02:24 PM

I do want a proper double entry book keeping system as we have a reasonable number of transactions each month and I will be accounting for three charitable entities who cross trade and have quite a few fixed assets.

Its been run on spreadsheets in the past but is quite cumbersome.

I am a qualified accountant so dont have a problem with the bookeeping but am looking for a locost solution

Agriv8 - 2/2/07 at 02:43 PM

Someone has to say it. Might as well be me.

A 'Locost Accountant - That will be a first '

Sorry go that of my chest.

Used Sage in the past, and it was OK.



[Edited on 2/2/07 by Agriv8]

jimgiblett - 2/2/07 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8

A 'Locost Accountant - That will be a first '

[Edited on 2/2/07 by Agriv8]

Dont forget that there is "cheap" and "good value" they are rarely the same

Agriv8 - 2/2/07 at 04:04 PM

I agree 'good value' accountant is hard to find especially one that gives his time up for good causes ( the Scouts ).

Good luck in your search.

regards Agriv8

Retired 'Sixer'
Addingham First Scouts

mad4x4 - 2/2/07 at 04:28 PM

Try speaking to SAGE or some of these companies they may do a special deal for Charities and as if I remember correctly scouts is a charity you may get a good deal.

I used to use excel.

mad4x4 - 2/2/07 at 04:28 PM

Try speaking to SAGE or some of these companies they may do a special deal for Charities and as if I remember correctly scouts is a charity you may get a good deal.

I used to use excel.