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Virtual machines Innotek VirtualBox :-)
britishtrident - 5/7/07 at 08:20 AM

I loaded Innotek VirtualBox via the Mint software portal last night.

30 minutes later I had a virtual machine set up running Mepis Linux within a virtual box on the Pc running Mint Linux.

Most Impressed I am :-) totally mind sucked.

[Edited on 5/7/07 by britishtrident]

Noodle - 5/7/07 at 09:10 AM

I've just moved my main PC (i.e. the family's box) to Kubuntu 7.04. Everything's tickerty-boo apart from my youngest son's online diabetes upload software.

It'll only upload via a serial port in Internet Explorer. I've tried getting Konqueror to pretent to be IE6 on XP and the site let's me in but it's riddled with IE only javascript cock-ups. it's so frustrating as the upload control is cross platform Java and the results are in cross platform PDF's.

Anyway, USB->Serial convertor and VirtualBox running an old copy of XP does the trick superbly.

I've tried Windows 98 too and that's fine. I'm very tempted to rummage around for a copy of 3.11 so I can despise it from my loft Linux viewpoint.

Hooray for Linux, Boo to Medtronic!

