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MNR owners - Chance for you and your Car to be a Star
Agriv8 - 22/4/09 at 06:54 AM

I am after originals of track vidio ( or road use if its legal ) to show on the MNR stand at the next show We plant to be running it through a projector so needs to be good quality so your clips may or may not get used.

If you have anything let me know by posting a reply or drop me a U2u please let me know length / size / format and if you are ok for us to use.

Depending on the above I will get back to you on the best way to get it to me.


Agriv8 on behalf of MNR

amalyos - 22/4/09 at 06:32 PM

Hi Iain,
If SWMBO has done her job, you should have my disks very soon.


sorens2 - 22/4/09 at 09:10 PM

Here is a short one.

And a longer one.

Soren S2

road warrior - 29/4/09 at 08:10 AM

Hi Iain

Did you get my pics and video ok?


Agriv8 - 29/4/09 at 08:21 AM

Yes got that one Sorry for being so crap Sonja ( been on with the MNR brochurs for the Show ) .

Do you have the original from the one you did in the real nice sunny weather ( was on utube iirc ).

will get some high quality shots of the stand providing I remeber My camera.

Thanks for all your help



road warrior - 30/4/09 at 10:13 AM

I sent 2 files. One in the wet and one dry and sunny. I'll U2U the file link.


Agriv8 - 30/4/09 at 10:55 AM

Downloading know.

Thanks on behalf of MNR UK

