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custom cage fitted to mnr
marc n - 16/11/06 at 12:17 PM

just thought i would show you guys a picture of a new cage / door bars i have done to fit the vortx, all done as per customers spec in t45 tube

best regards

marc Rescued attachment full cage.jpg
Rescued attachment full cage.jpg

Winston Todge - 16/11/06 at 12:33 PM

Looks slick Marc!

Any chance you've got piccies with its bodywork off?

Curious as to where it is welded onto the chassis.

Where's it being raced? RGB?

mookaloid - 16/11/06 at 12:51 PM

Looks very safe How much weight does this add to the car?

TimC - 16/11/06 at 12:53 PM

Looks serious! Not my taste for serious competition though. Too heavy.

bitsilly - 16/11/06 at 01:39 PM

When I had a V8 westfield I had a minor slide of a road (the alternative was oncoming traffic). Didn't spin, and wasn't going fast. A smallish branch smacked me on the head as the w/screen folded conveniently out of the way. The insurance supplied rescue truck used the westfield roll bar to pull the car out, and that conveniently folded too!
When I flipped a Landy special at a Safari, the cage just made it easy to roll back again as if nothing happened!
So I like cages!
And to think people implied it has something to do with my driving!

clutch_kick - 16/11/06 at 01:54 PM

looks the business .. I don;t like the bit where you have to drill through the scuttle though, could let a lot of dirt/water to get to your expensive bits of electronics.

I think cages are a very very good investment in these cars. Well worth the extra weight.

WanchaiWarrior - 17/11/06 at 02:03 AM

Is the diagonal (from behind drivers right ear to behind passengers left shoulder) necessary with all that extra framing ???
Just asking from my own personal taste in looks

marc laptop - 17/11/06 at 06:59 AM


I don;t like the bit where you have to drill through the scuttle though, could let a lot of dirt/water to get to your expensive bits of electronics

normally we dont do it like that for those reasons and more ( cant remove scuttle panel ) but the customer wanted it that way for asthetic reasons

will post some pics of other cages later today

best regards


marc laptop - 17/11/06 at 07:05 AM


Is the diagonal (from behind drivers right ear to behind passengers left shoulder) necessary with all that extra framing ???

yep very important part of the cage, part of msa regs

best regards


marc laptop - 17/11/06 at 07:28 AM

will cehck weight wise tooday as i cant remember of the top of my head

Krismc - 18/11/06 at 07:02 PM

will cehck weight wise tooday

Typed that in a rush did we???

Peteff - 18/11/06 at 07:39 PM