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a different colour
marc n - 29/3/08 at 11:17 AM

got some pics of a car we have recently built in a different colour Rescued attachment car3.jpg
Rescued attachment car3.jpg

marc n - 29/3/08 at 11:17 AM

and again Rescued attachment car2.jpg
Rescued attachment car2.jpg

marc n - 29/3/08 at 11:22 AM

and another Rescued attachment car5.jpg
Rescued attachment car5.jpg

marc n - 29/3/08 at 11:34 AM

its just something a bit different colour wise, as we seem to do a lot of green, yellow, red, and orange
its actually my bike engined car, notr sure what unusual colour to do the honda s2000 one



marc n - 29/3/08 at 11:35 AM

one of the minimal dash area
there are still some ducts etc to add yet in the nose and the bonnet that will be black so will help compliment it



[Edited on 29/3/08 by marc n] Rescued attachment interior.jpg
Rescued attachment interior.jpg

Hammerhead - 29/3/08 at 11:49 AM

Originally posted by marc n
its just something a bit different colour wise, as we seem to do a lot of green, yellow, red, and orange
its actually my bike engined car, notr sure what unusual colour to do the honda s2000 one



My suggestion for the honda would be white with red honda racing stripes like the old 1960s F1 cars.

eta: i guess it wasn't a stripe:

or how about her! (sorry I mean the colours scheme )

Stripes ahoy!

[Edited on 29/3/08 by Hammerhead]

ch1ll1 - 29/3/08 at 11:52 AM

reminds me of a battle ship or old plane
but i am crazy !

Miks15 - 29/3/08 at 12:03 PM

i agree with hammerhead, white with the red like the F1 car a couple years back! and those older ones.
Would look good, also thought of that for mine or mabye white with the blue like the bmw F1 as im using BMW engine nd diff etc.

TimC - 29/3/08 at 12:14 PM

That car has had more make-overs than Joan Rivers!

Blue, Red, Grey......

I take it that's the end of the MNR RGB entry then? That's a shame.

I think the White S2000 car is an extremely good shout.

Hammerhead - 29/3/08 at 12:17 PM

This is what I was thinking. Sorry for the low quality but it's just a quick photoshop jobby:

[Edited on 29/3/08 by Hammerhead]

bassett - 29/3/08 at 12:23 PM

I like it, it looks properly smart Marc.

marc n - 29/3/08 at 12:28 PM

like the white and red
think i may go with that

Hammerhead - 29/3/08 at 12:29 PM

the invoice is in the post

marc n - 29/3/08 at 12:57 PM


I take it that's the end of the MNR RGB entry then? That's a shame.

no still hope to do some races ( nearest ones to us probably ) all depends on time as saturdays are a really busy day for us so we cant leave until early sunday morning and by the time ive done 70 + hours a week i just have no enthusiam or energy

im just waiting for the new wiring to be done on the switches, the airducts to fit, full setup then it will be ready to race
plus i have an enclosed trailer and a 3 litre diesel bm so i can travel around a bit quicker than in the truck so im more likely to find time

marc n - 29/3/08 at 12:59 PM


the invoice is in the post

going to go that colour scheme its had a unanimous vote here at the workshop

how did you manage to do that so quickly, was it a photoshop programme



road warrior - 29/3/08 at 01:05 PM

Looks great Marc. Will look even better in full race trim.

Any pics of the other car yet?


Hammerhead - 29/3/08 at 01:06 PM

Yep, adobe photoshop, a great tool, and not difficult to learn if you only want to change colours, try things out and add graphics/vents etc.

If I gave it more time it would be a bit neater, but I've got my own business to run!

TimC - 29/3/08 at 01:46 PM

Could you keep the dot red but change the stripes to black for me? Just think it might add balance!

Hammerhead - 29/3/08 at 01:54 PM

here you go.


TimC - 29/3/08 at 01:58 PM


marc n - 29/3/08 at 02:49 PM


Any pics of the other car yet?

took some pics of the lmp also but deleted them by mistake, its very nearly a rolling chassis with engine, seats, steering, interior, alloy panels, brake and fuel lines, engine etc all in



procomp - 29/3/08 at 03:08 PM

Hi funnily enough i have an LA race car coming out at Cadwell in a month or so in the exact same colour scheme. Who's been telling .

And i cant be accused of copying as the customer has had all his race cars done in these colours for the last 6 years.

Oh well just dont turn up in the same dress.

Cheers Matt

RK - 29/3/08 at 03:09 PM

Ditch the dot though. It looks like a spot for birds to aim for.

stuart_g - 29/3/08 at 05:13 PM

I like the black and grey, looks very refined and not so racey. Well smart.

bobs bangers - 29/3/08 at 09:28 PM

I wanted to go for grey but got the safety vote against me. It being tarmac coloured and all that !! Anyway the body is now audi ibis white so it will easily take on the new "look" I have been thinking of ways to liven up the bodywork so this may be an option. 2 weeks in and we are mounting the bodytub !! I'll post some pics for you all.



neilj37 - 30/3/08 at 07:58 AM

I like the colour but not sure i would want it as a road going car purely because I don't think people would see you. People don't seem to see me in a bright yellow !!

Mag1caltrev0r - 31/3/08 at 11:46 AM

+ 1 for the Grey/Black, but again I'd be worried about the colour scheme for a Road car, pity because that's the colour scheme that I was really wanted for mine... when I get it!

Kriss - 31/3/08 at 11:58 AM

Brilliant, love what you have done.

Chris said you had done this colour, mine is similar but maybe slightly more Grey than "Green"? (pics on my archive)

Love what you have done with the Comps CXR's too, done the same with my 1.2's.

Switch layout looks very cool too.

Well done!

Mag1caltrev0r - 31/3/08 at 12:06 PM

Marc, on the steering wheel, are you using the front buttons for anything?

marc n - 31/3/08 at 12:12 PM


Marc, on the steering wheel, are you using the front buttons for anything?

buttons are to be used for digidash when they are wired up



TimC - 31/3/08 at 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Mag1caltrev0r
Marc, on the steering wheel, are you using the front buttons for anything?

Why do you ask? Mine are for changing gear!

Mag1caltrev0r - 31/3/08 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Originally posted by Mag1caltrev0r
Marc, on the steering wheel, are you using the front buttons for anything?

Why do you ask? Mine are for changing gear!

I was actually wondering whether they were used for changing gears. I assume you've got an 'electronic' shift rather than mechanical shift/paddles.

Gergely - 31/3/08 at 01:29 PM

...and I was wondering if the buttons were for the indicators. I have not seen anyone use buttons for indicators, but with the mechanical shift paddles people seem to lose the stalks, so I thought the buttons were for that...
How do you have the indicators controlled Marc? Savage switches? The two ones close to the handbrake, side by side?
Very nice car, but I can understand the safety / visibility concerns and I will go for something bright myself, too.

marc n - 31/3/08 at 02:06 PM


How do you have the indicators controlled Marc? Savage switches? The two ones close to the handbrake, side by side?

yes thats correct


Very nice car, but I can understand the safety / visibility concerns and I will go for something bright myself, too.

yep i normally advise customers against dark colours

DarrenW - 31/3/08 at 02:46 PM

Instead of red circle could you put a red rose on it - or is that the wrong county?

TimC - 31/3/08 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Instead of red circle could you put a red rose on it - or is that the wrong county?

Don't be so bloody ridiculous. Why would you want to do that?
A Welshman

chockymonster - 1/4/08 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Gergely
...and I was wondering if the buttons were for the indicators. I have not seen anyone use buttons for indicators, but with the mechanical shift paddles people seem to lose the stalks, so I thought the buttons were for that...
How do you have the indicators controlled Marc? Savage switches? The two ones close to the handbrake, side by side?
Very nice car, but I can understand the safety / visibility concerns and I will go for something bright myself, too.

I have
One quick touch gives me lane change
a 4 second touch gives me turning at a junction length
both L&R together gives me hazards.

It's all connected using a twisty cable with quick release bits.

SimH - 4/7/10 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by marc n
and again

How many grey MNR's are out there? It could be mine????

Latest pic of my 919 powered MNR, bought last year and used to be on the MNR stand:


Steve Hignett - 4/7/10 at 03:31 PM

Holy thread resurrection Batfink!!!