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Any LC1 experts out there?
adrianreeve - 18/9/09 at 06:46 PM

I've just bought a second hand LC1, with two sensors, one used and one brand new. Guy I bought it from said he had been having trouble getting it to work properly, and when I put some power to it, not getting any signs of life. Are there any known issues with these, and if so, any fixes?

I have a vague recollection that someone said the first edition of the firmware was more stable than the second. If so, how do I go about re-flashing?

Hope someone can help.



flibble - 18/9/09 at 07:38 PM

had the same problem with a secon hand one, turns out that the controller is just plain dead Had to buy another... I learnt my lesson there about second hand electronics!!
From what I reqad when I had my problem it didn't seem to uncommon either unfortunatly.
Innovate do have forums on their website so you may be able to get some help there?

[Edited on 18/9/09 by flibble]

omega0684 - 18/9/09 at 08:22 PM

i haven't had any trouble with my lc-1, have you tried the FAQ on the innovate website. remember to run free air calibration on the sensors before putting them in the exhausts. have you tried going back to basics and starting over with the wiring etc? could you possible have one duff sensor or worst both are duff?

brianthemagical - 18/9/09 at 08:59 PM

AS above, start simple. Connect the LED as per instructions, then connect it to power and earth. Battery termnals will be fine but make sure they are powered correctly to eliminate them. If there isn't any life in the LED, then it'll more than likely be dead. Next port of call is connect it to a comp, see if it'll be detected. Only other option is set it up as per instructions, do all calibrations and such and then connect to a guage or ECU as per instructions and keep fingers crossd that it'll still give a reading.

the_fbi - 18/9/09 at 09:20 PM

iirc the early ones were "missing" a 380 Ohm resistor which caused them to die easily.

Chippy - 18/9/09 at 09:47 PM

Innovate, (in the US of A), do a repair service, if it does turn out to be Fubar. From what I have heard their charges are pretty reasonable, and they upgrade to the latest spec. HTH Ray

matt_gsxr - 23/9/09 at 05:00 PM

Look on the brightside. If it is screwed then it probably means that both sensors are good.

As the sensors cost upwards of £50 you may not be too much out of pocket.

New LC-1 is $134 from these guys: which was the best price that I could find.
