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Lotus Exige at Harewood video
mookaloid - 24/9/05 at 09:05 AM


I'll have to do one myself next year



kevano - 24/9/05 at 09:20 AM

handling looks good but power doesn'y seem too impressive!! good vid though

Danozeman - 24/9/05 at 01:17 PM

Lovely car. Doesnt seem to be going that fast,.

GasGasGas - 24/9/05 at 04:23 PM

If thats a stack dash he's running i'd say his top speed looks like 70/80 mph !

indykid - 24/9/05 at 04:59 PM

what's that you say gas gas gas, i seem to keep getting distracted


mookaloid - 24/9/05 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by GasGasGas
If thats a stack dash he's running i'd say his top speed looks like 70/80 mph !

Sounds about right

donut - 24/9/05 at 05:12 PM

Paul... Love the perv!!

JoelP - 24/9/05 at 06:24 PM

he needs a slightly longer diff, IMHO, he stayed in second a few times cos it would've been pointless changing, but was hitting the limiter.

andyps - 24/9/05 at 06:55 PM

You noticed that quickly Mark - I only posted it yesterday afternoon.

70/80 would be about right for an Exige I should think (I wasn't there the meeting the car was competing) - it is pretty steep up the hill and has some pretty tight bends. Single seaters top 100 up the last straight, but as a guide, when I did the driving school in a 1.6 Vectra it just needed third gear so about 60 tops!

Hopefully will get some more videos for the site soon - when you've filmed yours Mark, get me a copy and I will post it on the site.

zilspeed - 24/9/05 at 06:58 PM

It's very tricky to get suitable hillclimb ratios. 2nd gear will maybe take you to 50-55mph on many road cars with standard ~(ish) gearboxes. You can lose more time by grabbing third on a short straight. The only way to make it work is to swallow hard, grit your teeth and go fast enough to make third gear feasible. He could have done that on the fast sweeping right hander.
Then there's hairpins to deal with as well. Too slow for 2nd, too fast for 1st gear.

It's very very tricky.

John F - rank amatuer, but enthusiastic. P.S. hoping to do it all again next week.

mookaloid - 24/9/05 at 10:21 PM

Hi Andy - I've got the camera, I just need to work out how to mount it. But I'll let you have it when it's done.

I reckon using my wristwatch on the video that he did it in about 72 seconds.

I think I can say that my Pinto engined Indy can do it a bit faster than that......

Mind you some of the BEC's were considerably faster.......



andyps - 24/9/05 at 11:19 PM

Don't know which run it was that is in the video, but his times were 71.48, 71.65 and 71.66 (another Mr. Consistent) so a Pinto engined Indy which competes regularly would definitely be quicker. In fact, it was on two out of three of the runs that day

andyps - 24/9/05 at 11:20 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Hi Andy - I've got the camera, I just need to work out how to mount it.

Duck tape............

mookaloid - 24/9/05 at 11:21 PM

Originally posted by andyps
Originally posted by mookaloid
Hi Andy - I've got the camera, I just need to work out how to mount it.

Duck tape............

I was trying to think of something with a bit more finesse than that

[Edited on 24/9/05 by mookaloid]