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What will they think of next
matt_claydon - 2/10/05 at 11:22 AM

Words fail me:

ned - 2/10/05 at 11:36 AM

"Now,fitting shouldnt take no longer than one hour max."

doesn't a double negative mean a positive, ie are they saying it will take more than an hour to fit or are they just no very good with they're grammmer.


suparuss - 2/10/05 at 11:46 AM

would be amusing to put one on a reliant robin, or 2cv etc. or maybe a pushbike??

Tim 45 - 2/10/05 at 11:54 AM

Do they not understand, people buy turbo kits for power, not for the sound they make ....

Isn't 130db louder than a jet engine on take off?

Liam - 2/10/05 at 12:33 PM


Anyone bothered visiting the site and watching the demo? They forgot to make it actually sound anything like a dump valve!! Sounds rather more like a door opening in Star Trek! Hilarious!



Peteff - 2/10/05 at 12:38 PM

I'll just wind the window down and make a Pssshhh noise when I change gear, that'll save me £149.95. (It's their grammar Ned )

Metal Hippy - 2/10/05 at 01:03 PM

Here's where Ned claims he typed that as a wee take...

..and we don't believe him.

macspeedy - 2/10/05 at 04:21 PM

where is the link to the vid can't seem to find it

totaly point less piece of kit

Peteff - 2/10/05 at 05:14 PM

Their web site . Click on the picture at the bottom of the page and prepare to be amazed , or close your eyes and think of Star Trek.

steve_gus - 2/10/05 at 05:57 PM

i heard about such devices 3 or so years back - thought it was bollox then too.

Since when did the chavs that buy those things look for any practical aspect?

A distant relative (on my wifes side I might add) bought a corsa with 'cool wide wheels and lowered suspension'. Just what every 1.2 chipped vauxhall needs to corner at 45mph around the high street.

The slight downside of this mod was that he couldnt put all his mates in the car as the lowered suspension would allow the wheels to rub the undersides of the wheel arches....



greggors84 - 2/10/05 at 06:07 PM

From the website:


Love it!!

Gav - 2/10/05 at 08:27 PM

oh dear, ive seen it all now

Jon Ison - 2/10/05 at 08:34 PM

omg, cant we do a "bulk buy" ? just want one of them flame thrower thingys now

wilkingj - 2/10/05 at 09:17 PM

Ho ho ho!!!!...

What an Excellent Company!...

They can spot a Chav at 200 miles (in his bedroom sitting in front of his Pooter).

How long before the MP3 file is out there for £1.49 on Ebay

Thats made my Day...
Havent had a Laff like that since I dont know when!

ned - 2/10/05 at 09:52 PM

i spell grammar with 3 m's and you think i need to claim that i did it on purpose?!

i know i do subtle, but isn't that obvious enough for ya? and the was also a giveaway.

never mind...

skydivepaul - 2/10/05 at 10:10 PM

Some people are wrong in the head

GasGasGas - 2/10/05 at 10:19 PM


VinceGledhill - 3/10/05 at 09:20 AM

I've got a neighbour who would buy one of those He spent £ 150.00 on gold stickers which read SPAX, NOX, TURBO, and such like, then fitted a BOOM BOX sound system and one of those through exhausts... Body kit.... Tinted windows.... then the car failed it's MOT and needed scrapping

There's a village some where missing an idiot

donut - 3/10/05 at 09:51 AM


or close your eyes and think of Star Trek.

NS Dev - 3/10/05 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
omg, cant we do a "bulk buy" ? just want one of them flame thrower thingys now

A mate built his own flamethrower kit for his twin turbo Rover SD1 that he used for chav-baiting!!!!!

This one premixed propane and air in an old C02 cylinder then detonated it through a blast pipe. Reckoned it would just about make a whole saxo cha-vtr bounce off the ground

Had to take it off after some plod altercations, not to mention that he wasn't too happy with all the stuff taking up his boot space!

David Jenkins - 3/10/05 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Liam
rather more like a door opening in Star Trek!

You're right! Reminds me of Airplane 2, when they were going through the moon-base doors...

Apart from that, note the way the car in video ISN'T accelerating at an incredible rate - my 1300 Yaris can do better than that, and that's just my bog-standard tin-top!

Anyway, who needs a 'pshhht' when you've got a tuned 1660cc x-flow like mine, with a - er - 'lively' exhaust system? And as for a Locost with an R1 or Fireblade...

Anyone who buys this sort of chav rubbish comes under the heading of "plonker", as far as I'm concerned


NS Dev - 3/10/05 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins

Anyone who buys this sort of chav rubbish comes under the heading of "plonker", as far as I'm concerned


Ohh yes!!!

That's why my mate loved the Rover SD1 V8! Rusty and metallic brown but with a manual box and Janspeed twin turbo conversion on a 4.2 litre bottom end!!

Just great for sitting a the lights next to chavs in saxo vts's and corsa gsi's and totally humiliating them!

The flame thingy was just a pi155ed-up saturday night fabrication after he saw some tosser showing off with one in the chav car park. Was originally supposed to launch stuff like rotten fruit but decided that was a bit dodgy so decided to stick with the grenade-like explosion that it caused. Put a solonoid controlled bleed into the inlet piping after one of the turbos, and fed it to the old co2 cyl under the boot, then had a solonoid (old nitrous one, the car did run nitrous too but lunched gearboxes then!) connected to the propane bottle in the boot to feed that into the co2 bottle as well. Spark plug in there fired by a button on the dash lit it up and fired the result down some 3" stainless pipe under the rear valance.

All extremely childish and stupid but very funny to fire it up every now and again, looked like the trotter's van in only fools and horses as after the bang all the smoke trailed out!! Didn't half shake the car when it fired! (and it would fire a spud about half the length of the carpark at santa pod!)..............................

hang on a minute, shouln't be saying all this on here, could probably sell plans for them on ebay!!