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photoshop csr
k33ts - 24/9/06 at 06:03 PM

im looking at getting some digi software and from what i can gather photoshop cs2 seems to be good.
can anyone tell me why the prices here differ so much.
they range from £129 to £459.

Peteff - 24/9/06 at 06:39 PM

Try Serif Photoplus for a cheap photo editor, it does most of the stuff the expensive programmes do and some things that they don't. There's some free stuff worth a try as well artweaver and gimp

[Edited on 24/9/06 by Peteff]

pdw709 - 24/9/06 at 06:43 PM

Personally, I would go for Photoshop Elements.

Its a slightly cut down version of the full product, yet its still remarkably accomplished - I've yet to find something I can't do. At only £50 its a bargin. And you can still upgrade to the full photoshop for a reduced price in the future.

Check out the Adobe website:


pathfinder - 24/9/06 at 06:54 PM

i would get on limewire and download a dodgy copy for nothing!

snapper - 24/9/06 at 07:33 PM

Cheap price is for an upgrade from a previouse version, expensive price is for a stand aloan full instalation.
Most upgrades need Photoshop 4 instaled with serial number, then you can upgrade to the version you have bought.
CS2 is the dogs but unless you are a very enthusiastic amature or need to manipulate RAW files natively 16 bit then its a lot of dosh for a surface user.

Catpuss - 24/9/06 at 08:38 PM

Yep. My mate who is in a photography club pretty much most of what you will ever need (and a lot more) is there in Elements. I think colour separations arn't there amongst a few other minor things.

There is also The Gimp which is OK and Paintshop Pro which isn't too bad either.

Personally I'd go PS Elements as Photoshop is very nice to use.

The other alternative which I like is Fireworks for web based stuffs.

Gav - 24/9/06 at 09:01 PM

Might be worth looking Here ahem
I got some "backups" made and they arrived in 3 days.

Chippy - 24/9/06 at 10:24 PM

Maybe mistaken, but think that Maplins were doing a special on Photoshop, (which version don't know), but around £45 seems to ring a bell. atb Ray