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Carbon fibre seat, makes you "go" faster!
Sacal - 10/10/06 at 05:55 AM

Carbon fibre seat

nitram38 - 10/10/06 at 07:26 AM

What a waste.....................or should I say what for waste?

StevieB - 10/10/06 at 07:34 AM

Surely that's the sort of thing the Caterham bunch would have?

Of course, it would need a big Caterham branding m,ark, so that everyone knows it's original kit, not a cheap aftermarket copy!

ned - 10/10/06 at 09:47 AM

i would buy one

donut - 10/10/06 at 09:50 AM

Naaah, I think they're crap! sorry, someone had to!!

Marcus - 10/10/06 at 10:32 AM

Looks ACE, I'm having one

StevieB - 10/10/06 at 11:09 AM

B&Q Value seat - £10

CF look vinyl from Halford - £20

Same result!

peterriley2 - 10/10/06 at 02:59 PM

kinda makes you wonder who would buy these????

indykid - 10/10/06 at 04:30 PM

hmmmm, student loan bashing time methinks!

wouldn't want splinters though!