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Pay Pal question
Paul (Notts) - 22/10/06 at 12:26 PM

is it possible to pay for an item ( on Ebay )using a credit card if the item has pay pal only but the visa symol listed.

I dont have a pay pal account.


StevieB - 22/10/06 at 12:28 PM

You can generally pay through paypal using a credit card.

You might have to get a Paypal account, but it can belinked to your credit card as well as your bank account.

peterriley2 - 22/10/06 at 12:32 PM

why not just set up a paypal account???

Macbeast - 22/10/06 at 12:32 PM

Mail the seller and ask.

If it's a trader, then maybe, if it's a private individual then unlikely

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/10/06 at 01:10 PM

Ask the seller to send you an invoice from his paypal account to your email address.
That then generates a link that will enable you to pay with out having a paypal account.

not that I spend much time on the bay