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web site building
stuart_g - 13/7/07 at 10:05 PM

Hi all,

I want to build my own website can anyone recommend an idiot proof web site building program or suggest the easiest way of doing this.


RK - 14/7/07 at 12:45 AM

Yes please. Me too!

bpgoa - 14/7/07 at 05:05 AM

it depends on what you want the website to do....
a blog?
a Wiki?
a shop?
just a few Html pages?
a portal for business intelligence olap modeling objects?

niceperson709 - 14/7/07 at 05:48 AM

Probabably the easiest way to do a website is to use a bloging server and in my experiance WordPress is the best. You just pick a template and start posting.
It works for me.

Catpuss - 14/7/07 at 08:58 AM

The way I tend to do it is to work out a sketch on paper first then look at for inspiration

Use stylesheets and you can change the design easily and concentrate on the content.

Dick Axtell - 14/7/07 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by stuart_g
Hi all,
can anyone recommend an idiot proof web site building program

Check out, particularly their WebPlus 10 program. It looks like it could match your requirements.


stuart_g - 14/7/07 at 07:22 PM

I want it for a build website for my new car when I get it.

Which of the above suggestions will be the right way to go?

niceperson709 - 14/7/07 at 07:39 PM

check out my webpage you will see what can be done with Wordpress and its Free to set up and maintain. You can post as many pictures as you wish once you have created a photobucket hosting account (or similar) wordpress lets you create as many pages as you want has heaps of different templates and a very good support system.
So it gets down to how web savvy you are. But the best way to go is look at some sites that use the various options and then decide.