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matt.c - 5/3/08 at 10:40 PM

Due to the BABY fund, my toy allowence has now stopped!!!

Now have to really find some locost stuff to finish the indy!

Kids are great!

graememk - 5/3/08 at 10:43 PM

i know that feeling

since xmas i've had from Amy the following
I would like to be Mrs Graeme mk one day

Do you think we need a bigger house

Can we decorate the spare room

I think i need a 5 door car

How much do you think you could sell your kit car for ????

oh dear oh dear.

on and congratulations

[Edited on 5/3/08 by graememk]

matt.c - 5/3/08 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by graememk
i know that feeling

since xmas i'e had from amy

i would like to be Mrs Graeme mk
do you think we need a bigger house
can we decorate the spare room
i think i need a 5 door car
How much do you think you could sell your kit car for ????

oh dear oh dear.

on and congratulations


1. allready married
2. extension on the way
3. painting the spare room soon
4. Got new five door car now
5. My words were "SOD OFF I AIN'T SELLING IT!"

Hmmm is this the norm then?

nick205 - 5/3/08 at 10:50 PM

I got my Indy finshed after a short break when my son was born 2 years ago. I've managed to hang on to it so far, but we have twins arriving in the next 2-4 weeks so it's now SORN and probably sold due to lack of time to use it

There's always light at thened of the tunnel when they have all grown up and buggered off though

DIY Si - 5/3/08 at 10:51 PM

I'm afraid it is! They will always be eyeing up your toy as possible funding for some silly scheme of theirs like an extension, or getting married! Thankfully, since my Mrs DIY wants a bike I've told her to sod off and sell her car (which I had to part fund! ) to get it. SO for once I'm in the clear to sell my cars and actually keep the money! Although that has yet to be proven.

roadrunner - 5/3/08 at 10:51 PM

^^^yes^^^, congratulations Matt,

Johneturbo - 5/3/08 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by graememk
i know that feeling

since xmas i've had from Amy the following
I would like to be Mrs Graeme mk one day

Do you think we need a bigger house

Can we decorate the spare room

I think i need a 5 door car

How much do you think you could sell your kit car for ????

oh dear oh dear.

on and congratulations

[Edited on 5/3/08 by graememk]

OMG and you still want to marry her!

worX - 5/3/08 at 10:57 PM

Congrats Matt!

Well I have been doing my sums for my wedding in August and together with that and having to move house soon I am afraid that I don't think I can even afford the insurance will be up in the next cople of weeks, so I think I will have to sell mine.

This is a real PITA as I would have preferred to have to sell it in the summer so it's worth more, as I need every penny I can get, but I need it now so will have to see it go for a little less than it's worth...

I just have too much money tied up in mine. It has had well over £10k of my money so far and I know I won't get that back even though it is pretty highly specced...


DarrenW - 5/3/08 at 11:01 PM

Been there and done it mate. My second was born shortly after strting the build. It enforces some tough decisions and inventive budget making. Truth - the family always comes first. The car can wait. Kids dont stay young. Mine are only 6 and 3 but their youth is changing daily - its exciting and scary at the same time. Dont miss it.

Ive got a 16 year old to different marriage and ive missed every moment since she was 3 - irreplacable.

matt.c - 5/3/08 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by worX
Congrats Matt!

Well I have been doing my sums for my wedding in August and together with that and having to move house soon I am afraid that I don't think I can even afford the insurance will be up in the next cople of weeks, so I think I will have to sell mine.

This is a real PITA as I would have preferred to have to sell it in the summer so it's worth more, as I need every penny I can get, but I need it now so will have to see it go for a little less than it's worth...

I just have too much money tied up in mine. It has had well over £10k of my money so far and I know I won't get that back even though it is pretty highly specced...


OMG! right im off in the garage to take the wheels off so she cant sell it! LOL

graememk - 5/3/08 at 11:12 PM

told amy i'm going to buy another bike if i sell the indy.

rick q - 5/3/08 at 11:14 PM

Here's something that I've found works really well for both parties. Work out what the total costs of the family are per annum (food, rent, rego and everything else) plus a bit for holidays etc.

Divide that up in the same proportion as your respective wages and each pay that amount into a separate account - "the family joint account"

Whatever's left over to each of you individually is your "play money" for your specific things - cigarettes if you smoke, grog if you drink, cars if you tinker.

Works well for us - and gives each party completely guilt-free money for themselves - even if it's only a fiver a week!

onzarob - 5/3/08 at 11:16 PM

I Have a wife 2 boys (5 and 2) and a house with garage. My latest project is a welder.... I have to do a little at a time as I'm the only earner and my needs are not quite so important.

I will say that the toys come and go, it makes for good life though

Dingz - 5/3/08 at 11:38 PM


There's always light at thened of the tunnel when they have all grown up and buggered off though

In years to come that may seem a rash statement!

chunkytfg - 5/3/08 at 11:44 PM

My god!!

It's reading threads like this that make me realise how lucky i am with my missus.

She has a couple of kids(14 and 16) so has all the issues you lot have or are about to have bar the cost of nappies but yet between us we have 3 cars and 5 motorbikes of which only 2 are essentials the rest are toys.

We dont holiday, The house needs a good coat of paint but she doesnt mind as long as the house is tidy.

I work away form home 3-4 nights a week and she still doesnt mind when i use up my leave to go racing my motorbike.

And on top of that she doesnt mind the fact that I want to build a car next year once i've given up racing(my choice not hers). She's even offered to help build it!!

I really feel for you guys sometimes!!

zilspeed - 5/3/08 at 11:47 PM

This is why I have a worthless old car and a cheap engine. That's where it all lies in my list of priorities.

I still love it to bits though

owelly - 6/3/08 at 12:10 AM

My collection of toys are worthless. It's taken me a lifetime (so far) to collect it all and if I sold it all, I still wouldn't have enough cash to buy a burp cloth.
Since the arrival of Owelly jnr almost three years ago, it's not the money thing that has crippled me (because I was expecting to have no money!) but the time thing. Jnr wants my time whenever I'm not at work. As I work days and nights, 12hr shifts, when I should be asleep during the day, he's bringing me toys and rubbish pictures. On my rest days, he wants me to take him places.
Today I was trying to lay floor tiles. Within seconds of the first tile going down, he had his head in the adhesive bucket. Then he drilled a hole in the side of the new kitchen cabinet. Then he covered the dog in tile adhesive. What should have taken a couple of hours, still isn't done.
If I pop to the garage, he's right behind me. He's even managed to start the plastic car on a couple of occasions when I've left the isolator key in the dash (there are no proper kays for it).
But, they are old and grown up for a long time. Make the most of them when they are young!!

[Edited on 6/3/08 by owelly]

speedyxjs - 6/3/08 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by matt.c
Now have to really find some locost stuff to finish the indy!

Isnt that the fun of car building?

vinny1275 - 6/3/08 at 08:23 AM


The other day, SWMBO said to me "how can we raise 1600 quid quickly?"


"So we'll have finished saving up for the wedding, and can spend the money finishing Ruby [the VortX], and then maybe build a bec racer".


How glad I am I'm marrying a petrolhead. The only problem once the car's built will be getting the keys off her...

welderman - 6/3/08 at 08:24 AM

Keep the Mrs happy and you keep your toys, do what she tells you ie paint this, finnish that and she will be fine. Ive two girls 9 and 5, just sold my Indy and got a Fury to build.
Choose your moments too.

fesycresy - 6/3/08 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by DarrenW

its exciting and scary at the same time. Dont miss it.

Never a truer word spoken.

I totally agree mate.

Mr Whippy - 6/3/08 at 08:48 AM

Tell her selling the car is fine, so long as she sells all her shoes, only fare.

iank - 6/3/08 at 09:30 AM

Owelly is completely correct it's the time rather than the cash that's the killer.
I've waited best part of 20 years to start building so it's clear from both sides that selling up isn't an option even if we need some cash for something. It's going slowly but WILL be finished! As Whippy says suggest putting the shoes (if that's her thing) on ebay and watch the backpedalling.

p.s. top tip since most people don't have any experience of babies, and 'nesting' hormones kick in during pregnancy, they buy lots of pretty (and outrageously expensive) cr*p they don't need and often don't even use.
Worst are the label brands for babies - they grow out of that £50 Hillfigger/Lecost/Burbery babygrow in 2 weeks, get a £2 one from Tescos.

Gergely - 6/3/08 at 10:33 AM

Kids are great, they should be the first priority (after the wife of course). But there must be time and funds available for hobbies, too.
I could only persuade my wife by giving up lots of other hobbies I had and selling the equipment. Plus, I teamed up with my brother and dad to buy a kitcar together. We will share the costs and the build and obviously the driving, too, but that should not be an issue really.
I think it will work and maybe an option for all of you who think about selling a car.

My son is 2 and takes up practically all of my freetime, so I don't even dream about being able to work on the car during the week - maybe some late evenings. On the weekends however our 3 man team will be able to progress and the little helper will be more than welcome...
As for funds, I do some extra work and that can go 100% towards the car. Main salary goes to the family which is only fair as my wife is at home with my son.

worX - 6/3/08 at 01:30 PM

It isn't pressure from my fiance that is making me sell the car.
I finished it this time last year and my finances have just simply not recovered from it! It just cost a damn sight more than I was led to believe from the start (my fault for going into it blinded with desire to build!) and MY priorities are that this year (my wedding and honeymoon) be amongst the best time of my life and I want to do everything in my power to ensure the same for her too!

I just wish that there was a way to have it all -but on my wages that isn't ever going to be the case.

I really hope that I get something like my outlay back so that I can put the money into the wedding/honeymoon that I need to and then have a little left over for something cheap and fun that I can run and insure etc.


onzarob - 6/3/08 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by worX
MY priorities are that this year (my wedding and honeymoon) be amongst the best time of my life and I want to do everything in my power to ensure the same for her too!

Good for you, It will be t one of the best times of your life.......Having children usually take first spot


I really hope that I get something like my outlay back so that I can put the money into the wedding/honeymoon that I need to and then have a little left over for something cheap and fun that I can run and insure etc.


I'm sure you will, I had a MG Midget and a Golf MK1 since my boys were born and all on a tight budget.

[Edited on 6-3-2008 by onzarob]

[Edited on 6-3-2008 by onzarob]

westcost1 - 6/3/08 at 02:31 PM

Originally posted by nick205
I got my Indy finshed after a short break
There's always light at thened of the tunnel when they have all grown up and buggered off though

not for a bit yet im 27 and still living at home. looking at a house tomorrow then i to will be poor for ever

worX - 6/3/08 at 09:36 PM

Cheers Rob,
I know I often joke about "er indoors" but she really is spot on and I couldn't hope for anyone better!
I just can't get back on top financially and I can only see one way of doing it! I wish it wasn't the case as I've only had the car on the road for one year (hence the insurance due soon!) but needs must and all that.
I may try to build a true locost afterwards if I can get the time to build a car of my own - set myself a stupid low limit like £1500 for a BEC etc and go for it!

Kids are definitely a no-no, I've already given up drinking this year (and for those that know me, know thats no small feat!) so the car is the next step. I was holding on for the last few weeks to hopefully get better weather so it'll be worth as much as possible!

Originally posted by onzarob
Good for you, It will be t one of the best times of your life.......Having children usually take first spot

I'm sure you will, I had a MG Midget and a Golf MK1 since my boys were born and all on a tight budget.