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Pinto engine temperature...
John.Taylor - 22/4/09 at 11:15 AM

My Acewell has a digital temperature display and on my way to the SVA on Monday it read 77oC in normal driving and got up to 94oC stuck in the stop/start M60 commuter traffic. Can somebody tell me what their Pinto temperatures are reading during normal driving and what temperature I should set the max temp warning light at to avoid an engine melt down - it got a bit toasty under the bonnet at 94oC!!!

blakep82 - 22/4/09 at 11:16 AM

John.Taylor - 22/4/09 at 11:20 AM


Mr Whippy - 22/4/09 at 11:33 AM

94degs? thats like totally normal

britishtrident - 22/4/09 at 12:41 PM

Whippy he telleth the wisdom

Temperature in traffic totally depends on your electric fan cut in and drop out in temperatures ---- provided the fan is big enough for the job.

94 sounds about right --- in a radiator the coolant boils at about 115 to 122 c depending on the radiator cap pressure.
As long as the coolant dosen't boil all is well.

iscmatt - 22/4/09 at 04:53 PM

mine sits bang on 90 whilst driving about goes up to about 95 when sat in traffic. Never had any problems